Chapter 446 Duplicate

[Mistakenly uploaded a duplicate chapter. Will upload the original chapter soon]


The relentless battle showed no signs of conclusion as Ace and the Ape Lord continued to exchange powerful blows, neither side gaining a definitive advantage. Ace's agility and precision had proven to be formidable assets, but the Ape Lord's sheer strength and endurance remained a daunting challenge.

As the Ape Lord launched another devastating swing, Ace evaded it with his signature nimbleness, but in his eagerness to counter, he made a slight mistake. Ace aimed a powerful kick at the Ape Lord's knee, but the massive creature anticipated his move and intercepted his leg mid-air.

The Ape Lord's grip tightened around Ace's leg, and for a moment, it seemed as though Ace would be at a severe disadvantage. With a roar, the Ape Lord attempted to use its strength to crush Ace's leg. The pain was excruciating, and Ace knew that a momentary lapse had almost cost him dearly.

In a split second, Ace's combat instincts kicked in. With his free leg, he delivered a flurry of quick and precise strikes to the Ape Lord's face, causing it to loosen its grip. Ace managed to twist his body and break free, landing gracefully on the ground.

The Ape Lord, momentarily disoriented by Ace's counterattack, stumbled backward, giving Ace the opportunity to catch his breath. He realized the importance of maintaining his focus and not underestimating his opponent, no matter how fatigued the Ape Lord seemed.

Their battle continued with renewed intensity, both combatants aware of the fine line that separated victory from defeat. The forest echoed with the sounds of their fierce clash, bearing the marks of their unyielding struggle. The outcome remained uncertain as Ace and the colossal Ape Lord pressed on, determined to prove their strength and determination.

As the battle between Ace and the Ape Lord raged on, the colossal creature, in a display of surprising agility, took a step back and then launched its attack. With a resounding roar, the Ape Lord's massive fists crackled with energy, and it unleashed a powerful, long-range attack. The creature had harnessed its strength, generating compressed air with its power punches, creating a projectile of immense force.

The compressed air punch hurtled towards Ace with astonishing speed, a devastating long-range assault that Ace had not anticipated. Caught off guard by the Ape Lord's newfound ability, Ace had limited time to react.

Instinctively, Ace leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding the compressed air punch. The projectile whizzed past him, creating a shockwave that sent leaves and debris scattering in every direction. Ace landed with a nimble roll, narrowly escaping the destructive force.

Realizing the Ape Lord's increased range of attacks, Ace understood that he needed to remain vigilant and adapt quickly to his opponent's capabilities. The forest around them bore the brunt of the Ape Lord's power, now filled with the signs of their intense confrontation.

Their first clash in close combat was explosive. Ace ducked beneath a mighty swing of the Ape Lord's arm and countered with a flurry of swift punches to the creature's midsection. The Ape Lord grunted in pain but retaliated with a powerful backhand, forcing Ace to somersault backward to avoid being struck.

Their movements were a dance of strength and grace. Ace utilized his speed and agility to outmaneuver the Ape Lord's devastating blows, while the Ape Lord relied on its immense power and reach to counter Ace's strikes.

The Ape Lord attempted to grapple Ace, but the nimble warrior slipped through its massive fingers, leaving the creature grappling with thin air. Ace retaliated with a spinning kick to the Ape Lord's side, causing the creature to stagger.

Their battle became a showcase of skill and strategy. Ace knew he couldn't match the Ape Lord's raw strength directly, so he relied on clever evasions and precise strikes to chip away at the creature's defenses.

The Ape Lord, realizing the need for adaptability, combined its size and strength with newfound agility, making it a formidable opponent in close combat. It attempted to anticipate Ace's movements and land crushing blows, forcing Ace to rely on his reflexes and quick thinking.

As they clashed with relentless determination, the forest around them continued to bear the brunt of their battle. Trees shook, leaves and debris scattered, and the ground trembled with each powerful strike.


Dear cherished readers,

I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for your continued support and for choosing to accompany me on this thrilling literary journey. Your presence here today is not taken for granted, and it's a source of immense inspiration for me as a writer.

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I value your input immensely.

Remember, your support is the lifeblood of this novel, and I am deeply grateful for your continued presence. I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing you all again tomorrow for the next chapter, as we continue this epic adventure together.

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