"Anna, be careful. Nobody knows where he crept out from so you can't underestimate him," Audrey mumbled just to warm Joanna about her new opponent.

"I never underestimated him from the moment I set my eyes on him so don't worry," Joanna replied. She dared not take her eyes off the guy for a minute for fear of what he was capable of doing.

"I thought you were fond of attacking your opponent so how come you aren't making a move, Her Majesty?" The guy implored while grinning evilly.

[Did he just call me Her Majesty?... Apart from Drey, no one else knows that Kay and I are married so how did…]

The guy seized her momentarily distraction to attack her. His movement was so fast to the point that Joanna had no opportunity to dodge or counter back.

He clawed her badly on her right shoulder which sent Joanna screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Arrgh…" Joanna shouted in anguish, her right hand covering her wounded shoulder.

"Anna, are you alright?" Audrey asked worriedly. She rushed forward but Carl grabbed and pulled her back before she could step into the fighting ring.

"The introduction says nobody can step into the fighting ring when the battle has started. Have you forgotten that?" Carl scolded fiercely.

"But Anna is badly hurt…"

"I am fine Drey so stand down," Joanna intervened when she saw Audrey trying to break free from Carl.

"Compared to this I have suffered worst injuries in the past so this is actually considered as nothing," Joanna added as she let go of her bleeding shoulders which for some unknown reason had refused to heal.

"From the way you whining like a baby, I doubt you will last for another ten minutes…"

[I nearly forgot that creating fireballs is not the only thing I could do with my flames. I wonder why I haven't thought of this yet]

Joanna grinned evilly as she kept on staring at the guy's chest which she had badly injured not long ago.

"He bragged of being immune to pain. Let's see whether he will be able to endure this without passing out," Joanna murmured smirking.

She vanished as soon as she completed her sentence only to reappear in front of her opponent.

Before he could react Joanna hit his chest with both of her blazing palms which was as if she had lit them on fire.

A scream of anguish that almost deafened everyone erupted in the air the instant Joanna hit the guy.

He fell to the floor yelled and writhed in pain. The onlookers who didn't see what Joanna's palms looked like were a bit taken aback at the guy's actions.

So many of them thought he was overreacting until the guy who could no longer handle the excruciating pains collapsed.

Those who moved closer to check what had happened were dumbfounded at the state of the guy's chest.

Instead of the previous claw wounds left on his chest, it was as if hot coal had been poured on the guy's chest.

And the most shocking of all these was that the wounds didn't regenerate like a werewolf's wound she had.

"You won! You did it!" Jocelyn let out a shout of victory as she raced towards Joanna.

Despite being in severe pain Joanna spread her hands for a warm hug but only to be swept off her feet by the excited Jocelyn.

Jocelyn effortlessly lifted Joanna off the floor and swung her around like the winner that she was.

"Ouch!" Joanna let out a cry of pain the moment Jocelyn irritated her wounds by mistake.

"I am sorry," Jocelyn apologised after letting Joanna down.

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