Chapter 31: Arrival

Stepping down from his expensive black truck was the red haired guild master of ragnarok in his signature burgundy suit.

Immediately everyone became confused about why he was here and thought they might've had the wrong gate.

Interviews quickly approached the famous guild master and the answer to why he was here was quite shocking for most.

"I consider myself to be a fan of Malachi as well so like all of you I am here to see his first raid in person!"


"This is so awesome!"

"I can't believe my two favorite blessed are going to be in the same place!"

The public was shocked and rightfully so.

As a well known hothead, the number of people who had a good relationship with Morgan was enough to count on one hand.

And those he considered himself to be fans of were even less.

But he had just admitted so casually in front of all of these people that he was in fact a fan of Malachi!

This was front page worthy news already!

Suddenly a sleek black limousine pulled up and the day's stars arrived.

The first to get out was guild master Luna and the public clamored to get a photo of the extremely captivating woman in a white kimono.

Next was a blessed by the name of Nina Hess.

She was a lithe looking young woman with short brown hair and cheerful golden eyes.

Her lack of curves did not take away from the massive following she'd gained online and the numerous suitors whom she'd rejected.

She was a B rank blessed who was chosen by Medusa.

Next to get out of the limousine was a pale woman with waist length blonde hair.

Her ample but small figure was hidden beneath a leather bodysuit and she had a katana strapped to her back.

Her name was Opal, a C ranked blessed chosen by Bishamonten.

"There he is! It's really him!"

With that, Luna offered the group her sincerest words of encouragement.

"It's time. Don't embarrass us."

"I don't know why I was expecting something better after all this time." Opal rolled her eyes.

"Your speeches still need work. Have you ever seen transformers?" Nina offered.

Luna did not understand.

What was wrong with her speeches?

No one likes to be embarrassed so shouldn't that be incredibly motivating?

"I thought it was fine, boss lady." Malachi smiled.

Luna felt her cheeks turn slightly pink when Malachi smiled at her.

"Kiss ass."

"Suck up."

Malachi simply shrugged off the insults from his party members and walked toward the gate.

"Shall we go?"


When Malachi entered the gate three things immediately caught his attention.

The first was the bitter cold.

Second, the invigorating feeling of being in night air.

Third, was the concerning feeling of being watched.

He looked towards the source only to see nothing but glimmering stars in the sky.

There was nothing yet… his senses were clearly screaming there was someone there.

'Am I just nervous because it's my first gate?'

Mal shook of his worries as the rest of his group arrived and took in the scenery.

Opal gave him a knowing smirk. "Oh I bet you're just LOVING this."

Malachi gave her a smile as bright as the stars in the sky.

"I think this is a fitting first gate for me don't you?"

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