Chapter 7: I See All

"Hey fucker! This is my bench, find your own!"

'Hmm? Five more minutes Aubrey then I'll move, I promise.'

"You hearing me shithead?! I said this is my bench!"

The dirty homeless man attempted to smack the man he found sleeping on his bench only to be completely surprised when the man caught his hand with ease.

"Damn it.. who the hell are you? Wait… why do I sound like that?"

Malachi released the homeless man and slowly rose up from the bench where he'd been sleeping and examined his body.

For starters, the formerly 5'7 twenty year old, was now a staggering 6'5.

His body which before was skinny and frail was now tightly packed with the well defined muscles of a wild animal.

His dreads which formerly barely went past his cheeks, were now dangling freely around his waist.

While the changes should've made him incredibly happy, Malachi couldn't help but be annoyed as now his perfect fitting work shirt had turned into a suffocating tank top that exposed the lower parts of his now well defined abs.

His pants and shoes weren't much better, with the former being tight enough to reveal his business imprint and the latter having bursted open entirely.

"Damn.. no wonder you thought I was homeless."

Malachi spoke to the homeless man while pushing his dreads out of his eyes, allowing the man in front of him to get a good look at his face for the first time.

"Y-your eyes , y-you.."

"Hm?" Malachi tilted his head in confusion before his mind was overcome with a terrible headache.

"Urgh…" Malachi dropped onto one knee and held his head while he groaned in pain.

"H-hey man are you tweaking? T-tell you what if you share whatever you got left this bench can be yours!"

Malachi naturally couldn't hear the nonsense ravings of the homeless man in front of him as he was much too distracted by another fact.

He could see.

Not just the area in front of him or behind him, he could see everything in the world that was currently under the cover of night.

He could see families sleeping, couples on dates, stressed adults taking late night drives and even crimes being committed.

"M-Mal?" The girl hesitated.

She couldn't see his face clearly since the room was dark, but she could see two cat like yellow eyes peaking out from behind his very long hair.

Suddenly the man released another groan of pain before he lurched forward and collapsed onto the ground, unconscious.

For almost five whole minutes Aubrey's body was still paralyzed by fear and she did not dare to move.

Slowly she grabbed a broom from nearby and turned on the light in the living room to get a better look at the man's face.

Moving his dreads out of the way with the broom, she stared hard at the face of the man claiming to be her brother.

The man was… divinely handsome.

While all blessed have their looks augmented when they are reborn, she'd never seen anyone that fit the standard of attraction more than him.

He looked like the word lust was specifically created to describe the feeling that occurred when looking at his face.

Even knowing that it might be her brother she began to have strange thoughts but when she remembered the times he made her eat his boogers when they were younger, her delusions were permanently ceased.

And now thinking that this might be the same scrawny kid that she'd just waved goodbye to a few hours ago, she was naturally quite shocked.

But when she saw the uniform that barely fit his body along with his name tag, all fears fled from her mind and she hastily pulled out her phone and dialed a number.

The phone didn't even ring twice before it was picked up by an out of breath woman.

"A-Aubrey? W-what can I do you for- Shit! I-I mean what can I do for you?"

Aubrey giggled lightly when she heard the rushed and nervous way Aisha answered the phone.

She couldn't fathom when she started acting this way around her or even why but she found it slightly amusing.

The world famous 'War Princess' was now stuttering on the phone with a girl who was barely eighteen years old.

"Aisha… it's about Mal."

Immediately the white haired woman felt her heart drop and she immediately feared the worst. "What's wrong is he okay?!"

"That's… well… he somehow got blessed."

"…The hell did you just say?"

If the orgasm Aisha had just had prior to this phone call wasn't enough to spice up her night, the information divulged on this phone call gave her the shock she needed.

"I'm coming right now." Was all Aubrey heard before Aisha hung up the phone.

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