Just a minute after Tyrion left, an extremely complex and realistic looking Death eye gate appeared in space as it rippled through it as a young man looking very similar to Sivan appeared in mid-air. 

He glanced at the destroyed buildings that went in for half a kilometer radius before his eye settled on a minced meat not too far away. 

The young man's oceanic blue eyes burned and a smile appeared in his face. 


The entire kilometer radius shattered to pieces, as a gigantic hole appeared. 


Climbing up Legend Mountain, Tyrion felt tension leave his body and he felt more relaxed the further he got.

As for the little episode back at the black market, since he has washed himself clean of any evidence, Tyrion put that him and hurried to his own building.

Scanning his door, the door to his building opened and Tyrion let out a sigh of relief. 

"Whew. Finally."

Tyrion dropped his bag and took a large bottle of cold bottle water from the Cryotab.

He drank the entire 5 liters of water before he was finally satisfied.

Afterwhich, Tyrion freshened up a little, washing off the blood stains over his body and then finally headed to his training room, 


Sitting cross legged in his training room, Tyrion held the Quantum Ring he had looted from Sivan's minced corpse. 

His eyes deep in thought as he hesitated a little. 

He had thought Vladimir who was a half-step Demonic fighter was the stir gest person her had faced. However, Sivan who was his age mate, a True Demonic Fighter was had become his strongest enemy, which he eventually killed. 

There as no joy in Tyrion's face for having killed him as he well understood cycle and process of violence. A Demonic Fighter at 17? Sivan was an absolute genius! 

Surely, he would have a master who was even stronger, or a cousin who possess even more astonishing talent or a friend or fiancée who couldn't live with him dead. It become an endless cycle of never ending violence until either he's dead or he kills everyone close to Sivan in the process. 

Ever since he arrived here, he knew something like this would happen and has been trying to avoid getting into this type of situation. But, it was useless in the end. 

Looking at the ring like it was some sort of hot potato, Tyrion twirled it around his fingers for a while before sighing.

His gaze then hardened as though he had made a decision. 

Tyrion eyes brightened and he laid his eyes on a box made up of special material.

The box looked as though it was made of iron, but it was fluffy to touch and was sealed tightly as though in fear of wanting whatever was inside sealed properly and its aura leaking. 

Tyrion searched around for a key hole, but there wasn't one. Using force didn't seem to work either, even his tiger form couldn't open the damn box. 

It was as though nothing could open it. Tyrion squinted his eyes as he thought of something. 

What if he needed Sivan's blood to unlock the box? 

As this idea entered his mind, he immediately went to his room. 

Luckily, there was still a bit of Sivan's blood in his cloth. 

Rubbing the bloodied cloth around the box, the box vibrated with a humming sound and slowly, it swung wide open. 

Tyrion couldn't help but squint his eyes when a dark red glow illuminated from within the box. 

"What the hell is this?" 

Within the box was a blood red, diamond crystal, lightning up his room as though the blood moon had descended. 


Immediately the blood crystal was revealed Tyrion felt his entire room shake as though an earth quake was about to happen. 

"What's happening? Is it because of the box?"

Without wasting a single second, Tyrion immediately shut the lid, closing the Blood Crystal and suddenly, the earth quake rescinded as though it wasn't there in the first place. 

"Well, that went well."

Tyrion shrugged and then turned his attention at the manual. Specifically the Ultimate Demon Evolution Serum Creation Manual. 

It was the only manual he couldn't recognize of the three manuals and could be closely related to the Blood Crystal. 

A mucky smell wafted through Tyrion's nose along with a faint smell of dried blood as he opened the book. 

Tyrion read through the book for a few minutes and his breathing started getting heavy. 

The book was actually a manual for creating a serum called the Ultimate DemonGod Physique Serum. 

Creating the serum required numerous oes of ingredients, but the main ingredient was the heart of a true dimensional Demon Lord! 

The heart of the demon lord was the blood crystal Tyrion had opened from the box. 

It was said that if one possess this physique, it could rival that of a primordial Fiend physique, dominating the cosmos with one fist and devouring the earth with another whole consuming heavens, turning them into nourishment to increase one's power. 

The demon body would drastically improve one's physique drastically and no one, not even a Demonic fighter would be able to rival a Ultimate DemonGod Physique. 

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