
A young man lying on a bed moaned in pain. A splitting headache galloped through his head like a raging wild horse.

It was as though there was a bell repeatedly smashing in his brain, with his skull serving as the barrier, it was really painful.

"What just happened?" Erian muttered in confusion. Massaging his head in hope his headache would reduce.

He could vividly remember he had he had just gotten his very own Bionic Smart Lens. They were non-removable contact lenses equipped with a terminator like system to help everyone's daily life, making it easier. Most people on earth had gotten their's, especially since it was given to everyone by the government for free. Erian was in the process of installing his when...

Erian's gave changed drastically. "Shit! My head exploded!?"

Suddenly, he groaned loudly as flashes of memories flickered through his mind. They were pieces of fragments of memories, but Erian was absolutely sure they weren't his memory.

His eyelashes fluttered rapidly and his body shook, almost like he was having a seizure. This happened for about five seconds before he was able to finally control himself.

"I've transmigrated?"

The confusion in his eyes slowly fade away, only to reveal disbelief, with a trace of excitement in his eyes.

From his memory, it appeared this world was more than ten times larger than earth. And was filled with things and beings one could only find in a pure fantasy movie!

Giant beasts and monsters that tower over buildings, humans who could evolve and expand their bodies to the size of a mountain, shattering boulders with the strength of their fists.

With the aid of Practicing Manuals, high-grade genetic altering serums and vials, one could develop Nuclear Pulse within the body to acquire the strength to sustain the awakening process as a Titan, fighting off gigantic monsters and even fusing them with their Titan to acquire their ability!

Erian's eyes lit up with excitement, making his body jolt up from where he was lying. Erian suddenly felt pain in his head and body.

It was then he remembered how this body died. His fist suddenly clenched tightly and he gritted his teeth. "Fu! Tian!"

Whispering, he said. "Don't worry, since I got the chance to live again with your body, I will try my best to help you with your grudges."

Recalling countless memories, Erian took in a deep breath. He had assumed the body of a useless man whose talent was so low he had only reached the second level of the Rudimental Cell Rejuvenating Technique after three years of study. However, this world seemed interesting.

Erian observed the place he was in and discovered he was currently in his room. He didn't have a bed, but it didn't matter since there were a bunch of blankets serving as bed for him.

His place was really shabby and there was only a chair in his room. Apart from that, two mountains of metal and glass Syringes piled up at the corners of his room. Erian vividly remember, one mountain consist of used Syringes, and the other consisted of the ones he had personally Sterilised.

It was mainly by selling the sterilized syringes he makes his living and if he was lucky, he could accumulate Low-grade defective serums from the used syringes and sell them for 500 Units outside.


His stomach rumbled due to hunger, making Erian frown slightly. There wasn't much food in his room and the last bit of food he had, he was planning on keeping it for tomorrow. Alas with his Injuries, his body requires more energy than he had calculated.

"But! This Erian's physique is really…" Erian was speechless after seeing the stats in front of him.

The stats displayed were based on each aspect of an adult's physiology as a standard. Theoretically, the average adult's displayed stats would all be around 1. Although this Erian was only 15-16 years old, his stats were still too low.

What other functions does this system have?

This would definitely increase his defensive power to the pinnacle. 

If he wants to increase his nimbleness and agility, then opening the four Super Cells in the soles and lower legs should take precedence. If he places more emphasis on his left leg, then he should choose the left leg first in contrast to the right one.

If he wants his attack to become more offensive, then he should open the four Super Cells in palms and arms.

And as for the only Super Cell in the head, if he chooses to he open it, then his five senses, quick thinking and reaction speed would all substantially elevate. In this case, his quick thinking, reaction, five senses, mental power and other such things would become even sharper, possessing the signs of going through a transformation.

Deciding to create the first super cell (devil spawn)in his chest, Tyrion grabbed the crystal and placed in his right palm. 

Stimulating his cells and controlling their actions, Tyrion made the pores in his palm slowly open up and then he began visualizing the devil, and then began the stance as he summoned the devil.


In that instant, he felt as if he had dropped into a pot of boiling water. A bone-piercing and intense scorching pain stabbed into every inch of his body.

Tyrion had merely visualized the devil and done a few stance with the crystal in hand, a sea of black smoke encircled him, tunnelling into him through the pores in his left palm madly as if it was alive.

"This is…!!?" The excruciating pain quickly spread to his internal organs. Tyrion felt as if he was on fire; both his skin and flesh within his body were burning vigorously.

His flesh and blood were being corroded. Under the corrosion of the black smoke, the muscles and organs all over his body gradually broke down.

"Is this the kind of training that others undergo?"

Doubt flashed across Tyrion's mind as the stabbing pain churned in him. Still, he managed to keep his mind sober and awake.


Without any other recourse, Tyrion had no choice but to activate regenerative trait, healing his corroded physical body frenziedly as he continued his visualization and training.

If he was an ordinary human being, Tyrion wouldn't have been able to multi task but with his double brain, he was able to easily visualize, change stances and control his blood circulation all at the same time. 

In the blink of an eye, Tyrion could feel a familiar warmth flooding the veins in his right arm from the dust crystal.

Tyrion's breathing started to get uneven but he managed to control himself. 

The feeling of pain and pleasure. Pain from absorbing the dark matter from the void through his left hand and pleasure of absorbing the dust crystal through his right hand was simply too addictive not even cocaine could explain the sensation of what Tyrion was feeling right now. 

If one could see Tyrion right now, he was circled by two types of energy. His right side by 'dust' his left by dark matter!

He was like those ancient cultivators from the novels, absorbing two types of QI.

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