Child from the Dungeon

Chapter 242: Spin-Off Vol.2 ’Clarent Star ’: Extra 1, Inside Eye

Chapter 242: Spin-Off Vol.2 'Clarent Star ': Extra 1, Inside Eye

[ Carlos' Mind Realm ]

" It's been a long time, I've been here... " '#####' says as he still sealed within.

" Tech, it seems the Son of Arthur Calibur really love to remind the past... "

" The past I've already seen during his times here. "

" As I made the time here faster than the real world. "

" After all, the Realm might be his..., but the dominant one here is me. "

" '#####'... "

* '#####' sighs. *

" Crap, I can't really say it, can't I? "

" To think it would affect me that worse... "

" To be rid of your name, the very thing that identifies who you are or perhaps what are you capable with. "

" For a name had its meanings, that's why it was given to us for eternity. " '#####' reflects it.

" Now none will remember me, for I can't even utter it out loud like I used to. "

" Back then, I laughed over this 'Seal'... "

" Calling it stupid or whatever it is... "

" But now, I see the point... "

" To lose even your name is to lose all of your everything, your status, your achievement, even perhaps your own power and potential from the very Heavens and Nature. "

" For it can't give to one, if one cannot be identified in the first place. "

* sigh *

" Speaking of names... "

" Charlotte, was it? " '#####' says Carlos' real name.

" Hmph, this 'boy' was once a girl..., disguising herself using that Item that binds to him even into his Soul. "

" Making it similar to his current body... "

" Seeing that, I begin to wonder... "

" A theory that made me think about the Connection between Soul and Body. "

" Two different concepts, different in any ways, but somehow similar and connected. "

" Like men and women, both of it are corresponding and connected to each other. "

" The Changes of the Body affects the Soul and the Purity of the Soul affects the Body. "

" Perhaps, that's the reason why the 'girl' come to me with her 'boy' disguise in this non-physical realm...? "

" My primary suspicion is because of that Ring, for whatever effect it had on the child's body. "

" Making him durable against my influence, right after Arthur Calibur sealed me, making me imprisoned within the child's very body. "

" Binding me, while I who is imprisoned, could only see through the Child's eyes, being the 'Inside Eye', witnessing what his eyes showed him as well as his memories within. "

" Speaking of eyes and memories... " '#####' suddenly remembers Donovan.

" Donovan 'Betzalel' Richter-Grimshaw... "

" He is the one... "

" Only he could make this Child go out of the rails... "

" For even as a boy, this little lady still had feelings for him, a thing she could never held back even with the power of the Ring.

" Kekeke... "

" Maybe I shall use him... "

" Use who? " a voice suddenly calls him a familiar voice.

" Acrcch!!! " '#####' felt so annoyed hearing it.

" You're here, child. "

" To think I would have to see you again, in these times... "

" How's training with dad? " '#####' asks as Carlos smiles to him.

" It went well... " he tells him that.

" How about you? how's your time being sealed for eternity? " he asks back, which kinda hits this time.

" Oh okay, okay... " '#####' sarcastically praises Carlos for his question.

" Tsk, tsk, it seems you're getting arrogant there, child? "

" Just because you learned some 'Aether', it really elevates your confidence, didn't it? "

" Not that, no... " Carlos calmly responses.

" I still not used to it though, even now... " Carlos just tell the truth as blunt as he can.

" But it seems I need to learn more... "

" To fight 'Draven' once more... " Carlos tells while clenching fists.

" You still think of that? " '#####' asks him.

" You're still thinking of Draven after your first defeat...? "

" Of course, I do... " Carlos responds.

" Even better, there's something I need to make sure as I fight him... " Carlos tells '#####' that.

" I see, so you still believe the two are the same, an interesting coincidence. "

" I do happened to think of that too... " '#####' tells Carlos that, telling him how much he is intrigued by the 'Child of the Dungeon'.

" He comes from a 'Double Dungeon', for that, I have to give him a credit for being so different in the first place. "

" For a 'Double Dungeon' is not just a rare occurrence, but it's actually quite a Legendary one. "

" Something I wonder if that's the thing with your..., hmph..., ... friend...? " '#####' wonders as he speaks his mind freely to Carlos.

" To think you would be this talkative? "Carlos asks, after hearing so much '#####'s voice.

" Is being sealed makes you want to talk it all out on every being you see before you? " Carlos asks him.

'#####' just silent, he didn't answer the very question he was asked with.

" Keeping your cool, huh? " Carlos asks '#####'.

" For a Nameless who were stripped of everything, sealed of everything... "

" You really had an annoying attitude, do you? " said the Nameless '#####' to Carlos, asking if Carlos really wanted mess with him.

" This realm might be yours, child... "

" But do you know that in here, I could easily destroy you? " '#####' asks Carlos which just get pissed from Carlos' behavior overtime he is connected to him.

" Yes, yes, you may come if you want destroy me... " Carlos tells the Sealed One, showing his fingers.

" Oh, what a challenge...! " '#####' tells he sees Carlos' Ring glows.

" It seems that Ring really give you the confidence against me, all this time? " '#####' asks Carlos which he smirked so much after hearing it.

"( Yep, that's the case, this little... )"

"( Can't blame it, guess I should've expected this one before... )"

"( This little child, is a reflection of my past self. )"

"( No wonder he worked so well as my vessel... )"

"( Or should I say... )" '#####' looked around.

"( My prison... )" '#####' realized as he sees Carlos smirking in front of him once more.

" Well, you're such a happy one, aren't you? "

" But still, even with your current state, you might've not able to get Donovan, into your arms... " '#####' suddenly says.

" I am... aware... " Carlos says while flustering.

"( Here we go again... )" '#####' already knew what's going to be next.

"( Seriously, is it just me or kids are getting on 'it' far younger than my time? )"

" Fufufu...fufufu... "

" If that's so, then perhaps I should find time to reveal myself to him... " Carlos says as he reverts to his previous self.

* [Fairy King's Glitter Ring] activates. *

" You 'reverted'? " '#####' asks as Carlos returns as Charlotte back all of the sudden, his eyes changed to the previous Magic Eyes Charlotte had in her real form.

" For now... " Charlotte says to '#####'.

" See ya later, then... " she leaves the place, using the Ring's power.

" Wow... " '#####' says after seeing it.

" She left without any farewells, to me... " '#####' says as the old man he is.

( In the Real World. )

Charlotte is outside the Calibur House's Residence, using some robe to cover all of her body, as well as a mask with a lioness' look.

" Perhaps today, I should wander around... "

" Look for Draven if he's doing his vigilante thing tonight. " Charlotte leaves.

( Meanwhile. )

" Atchoo! " Draven sneezes after he left the 'Crystal Glowcave Dungeon', now prepared to continue his night duties hours before the dawn.

" Ah, why I'm sneezing right now? " Draven asks himself while looking at the stars shining over today's night.



About '#####'.

He is sealed right after Charlotte become Carlos and taken back into the Calibur House by Arthur Calibur some months before the Events Volume 2, Donovan's Second Year, A.K.A. both her/his and Donovan's First Years in the Prodigal Academy.

Which is technically two years before Volume 4 " Donovan's Third Year". The first Volume where '#####' appeared.

Author's note:

Seriously I need to find a way to call '#####' from now on, he needs to be called with something...

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