Chapter 42 - Monastery

In Li Huowang’s memory, most monasteries were built deep in the mountains. It was much rarer to see one built in the city. However, he couldn’t be bothered about all these things; all he cared about right now was the name of the monastery that the worshiper had just mentioned, “Righteous Monastery?”

Li Huowang immediately recalled the conversation that Zheng Kun had with Dan Yangzi before they died. They seemed to have been chased by the monks of this Righteous Monastery previously.

His heart started beating faster when he realized that he had found the right place; after going through so many things on their journey, at least they had finally arrived.

The view before them suddenly changed as they turned another corner. Clean and neat stone slabs paved the way to a wide staircase. A majestic temple stood at the end of the staircase that had hundreds of steps, incense smoke wafting around it.

A black plaque stood above the tall temple doors, with a name written on it in red words—The Righteous Monastery. Right below it was a couplet:

“The seed of virtue blossoms, Buddha’s body’s grace,

On pure waters, the moon reflects with jade-like embrace.”

With the numerous lit-up incense sticks, the entire temple was shrouded in white smoke, giving it a heavenly feeling.

“Young Taoist, I can’t accompany you there, so please go on ahead. Right, the Western Capital City is different from Jianye town; here, there’s a curfew at night. So, please remember to come back before nightfall,” said Lu Zhuangyuan. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

Li Huowang took a deep breath, then walked toward the crowded steps.

He followed the worshipers and stepped into the monastery where there were several large halls before him. Here, Li Huowang stood still like a rock amidst the tide of humans and took in his surroundings.

He found the main temple, but what he should do next stumped him. How should he interact with the monks in this place?

Should I directly say that I was Dan Yangzi’s disciple? But I am afraid of being instantly swatted to death by them.

However, before he could even come up with a plan, the monks from Righteous Monastery approached him; even in such a massive crowd, Li Huowang’s Taoist robes stood out quite a lot.

As he heard the other party speak, he realized that this monk’s pure Buddhist behavior and values were not something the old monk from before could compare to. “Amitabha! Jian Dun at your service.”

Sure enough, Dan Yangzi’s matter is not something that would be concluded so easily.

Jian Dun returned quicker than Li Huowang had expected, returning in at most half an incense stick worth of time. This time he was back with a fresh string of Buddhist beads in his hand.

“Sir Xuan Yang, this way please. The abbot wishes to meet you in person,” said Jian Dun.

The Righteous Monastery was very large, and they had to walk within the temple for some time before they finally arrived at a grand hall.

Outside the grand hall, Li Huowang peered in through the octagonal door and saw five towering Buddhas that were several meters in height. They were all sitting cross-legged, each striking a different yet equally majestic pose.

Before the five golden statues was a prayer mat with a figure seated on it while wearing a monk’s robe. The figure also had a five-Buddha hat on his head, similar to that of Monk Tang.

Li Huowang could hear the monk chanting sutras as soon as he stepped in, the chanting echoing throughout the spacious hall.

Under the gaze of the five huge golden Buddhas, Li Huowang’s figure slowed down unconsciously.

Soon, the chanting stopped, and the monk sitting on the prayer mat slowly turned around.

Li Huowang was surprised on seeing his appearance; it was the appearance of an old man with white brows and a beard. However, what surprised him was not the abbot’s exceptionally kind appearance, but his eyes. It was a pair of pink eyes. After having spent so much time together with Bai Lingmiao, Li Huowang could tell at just a glance that the abbot also suffered from albinism.

“Amitabha, this humble monk, Xin Hui, pays my respects,” Abbot Xin Hui clasped his hands together and spoke calmly.

“I am Xuan Yang. It’s good to see you, Abbot.” Li Huowang returned the greeting before sitting down as well.

“Abbot, about Dan Yangzi-” Li Huowang was interrupted as the other party raised his hand to stop him.

“Benefactor Xuan Yang, do you recognize these five Buddha statues that you see in this hall? The one in the middle is Vaicorana from Vajradhatu, the Diamond Realm. The one on the East is Akshobhya from Abhirati, the Eastern Pure Land. The one on the South is Ratnasambhava from ?rimat, the Southern Pure Land. The one on the West is Amitābha from Sukhavati, the Western Pure Land, and the one on the North is Amoghasiddhi from Prakuta, the Northern Pure Land. Together, they are known as the Five Dhyani Buddhas.”

Li Huowang started feeling a little anxious.

What does this monk mean to do, talking about all these irrelevant things right now?

“Abbot, let’s talk about all these things when we have the time in the future. May I ask what Dan Yangzi has transformed into?”

Xin Hui clasped his hands together and once again looked at Li Huowang calmly. “He has become a Buddha.”

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