Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 13 13: Them [3/5]

One big reason Renji picked Eileen was because she knew this area like the back of her hand from her days of scavenging.This content belongs to novelhulk.com, if the content is missing please go to novelhulk.com website to read the full content

With Eileen, now as an Eclipse, leading the way, they got to their destination way quicker. In no time, they popped out of an entrance.

The bright midday sun made Renji squint as they stepped out of the Cave.

When he could see clearly, he noticed that all the tall buildings, streets, busy people, and lively shopping areas he remembered were gone.

In their place was a vast, barren wasteland with iconic holes in the ground, just like in the "Blackhole Plains" from the game. These were entrances to the goblin lairs below. Renji used to explore these places in the game, leaving behind resource points like the chamber they had just been in.

But now, 500 years later, with the source of the "Tainted Miasma" eradicated and the monster population reduced, these underground areas of the Blackhole Plains had been renamed "Relic Caves."


Renji shook his head, feeling a mix of nostalgia and realization. This wasn't a dream or illusion. He was truly in his game world, but 500 years into the future.

"Old-timer, you've been talking about me, but what about you? What's your plan?" Eileen, now back on the surface, was more talkative. As they headed towards the largest nearby "Blackhole Gathering," she started a conversation with Renji.

"I think I'll go find them" Renji said after some thought, referring to his main goal.


"The five personal guards of the Emperor you mentioned."

As expected, Eileen's eyes widened in shock.

"You... you... you!"

Eileen wanted to say he was crazy. The "them" Renji referred to were the five most powerful women in the current world.

Even knowing Renji's mysterious background, Eileen felt the need to enlighten this 500-year "old-timer" about the current state of affairs.

Seeing Renji's relaxed demeanor, Eileen sighed and facepalmed, thinking she might have wasted her breath explaining.

But soon, she frowned, sensing something off.

"Wait! How do you know we're in the Holy Kingdom? I don't remember telling you about our location."

"Oh, that? I just pieced it together."

"Hah? You figured it out just like that?" Eileen stared with wide, puzzled eyes. Renji, however, just smiled and didn't offer any more explanation.

Seeing him act like this, Eileen decided not to press further. She hated people who spoke in riddles!

In truth, Eileen was being a bit unfair to Renji.

It's not like he was being intentionally cryptic.

After all, Renji couldn't exactly tell her that the Blackhole Plains were one of the initial areas he explored in the game. Back then, the only character accompanying him was Suthia.

If Suthia had indeed established a new power, she would have definitely included this land full of their shared memories. Eileen's reaction confirmed his guess was correct.

Knowing this, Renji felt more at ease.

To be honest, the rumor Eileen had mentioned earlier in the chamber—that the Emperor had disappeared because he was betrayed by his five personal guards—had served as a wake-up call for him. Even though he knew it wasn't true, the idea that love could turn to hate wasn't entirely out of the question.

Remembering how he had managed their relationships in the game, how he had switched their equipment around, he realized that even though their affection levels were above 90% by the end of the game, describing them as "wives" seemed too distant. They were more like family.

Still, Renji felt it was better to be cautious, especially since his own powers had been reset.

However, there was one exception.

'Yes, Suthia'

She was the only character whose affection level never dropped, no matter how he managed her or switched her equipment with others. She was the only one with  "100% affection" in the final game scene.

Five hundred years could change a lot. Maybe the other four no longer recognized him as their Emperor, but he believed Suthia would never change her feelings or harm him in any way.

Even if this once humble young nun had now become the Goddess of the Holy Kingdom, worshiped by countless followers, Renji believed that Suthia had never given up looking for him over these five hundred years. She must have been waiting for his return.

The character who was once so loyal to him in the game had now become real. What could be better than that?

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