Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 2 2: Ashen Empire (2/2)[2/4]

So putting them in 'storage' didn't mean he was totally giving up on them. Even if they weren't fighting, their special skills were still super useful. Renji kept giving them resources and considered them an important part of his team.



Renji couldn't help but laugh at his thoughts.

The idea sounded good with words, but the reality felt different. He wasn't including them in battles anymore but still had them working hard in the background.This content belongs to novelhulk.com, if the content is missing please go to novelhulk.com website to read the full content

Wasn't he just using them as mere tools? Renji shook his head.

At the corner of his vision, a thick stack of notebooks on the computer desk caught his attention.

Opening them revealed page after page filled with densely packed small characters. These were all handwritten by him, containing calculations of various developmental benefits, cost-effectiveness of each instance, plans for future decisions, as well as the drop locations and distribution of rare materials and equipment.

One could say that compiling all these records would result in a comprehensive guidebook of a super hardcore gamers experiences.

Renji planned to organize and summarize this information after he finished playing and share it online.

He hoped that the lessons and experiences he had accumulated over tens of thousands of hours would help newcomers avoid some pitfalls and potentially save the game from precarious sales.

However, after gazing at the meticulously recorded manual for a while, Renji let out a sigh.

He began to reflect.

'Did I get too caught up in the details?'

Because of his long hours leaving them in backline the favorability of many characters had decreased significantly. Strangely enough, in the game, character favorability seemed to have little importance, like an insignificant attribute, so Renji hadn't paid much attention to it.

It wasn't until now, when looking at the Family CG screenshots, that Renji realized it was a major regret after completing the game.

Of course, there were exceptions, and Sister Suthia was one of them.

[[[[[WARNING: The second playthrough is extremely difficult, cannot be saved, and cannot be restarted. You will also start with five 'Eclipse' characters you have cultivated in the CCG. Please choose carefully]]]]]


For a single-player game, not being able to save the game indeed increased the difficulty, and the inability to restart meant that there was only one opportunity to enter the second playthrough. But for the latter, these were nothing at all.

"Can I inherit the data!? Can I bring the characters from this stage along?" Renji couldn't help but be amazed in front of the screen.

This didn't seem like the operation of "Fallen Chronicles" which boasted a difficulty level that discouraged players.

After all, the five Eclipse characters he had developed were at the pinnacle of their respective professions. Even the weakest one, Sister Suthia, under his control, could easily destroy a city.

Now, being able to Inherit and enter the second playthrough with them meant that when he restarted the game, he would have the fighting power of the five world-class characters right by his side.

'Isn't this just a direct push through the game!?'

After the initial shock, Renji quickly understood the intention of the developers.

It was simple.

This was obviously meant for an exhilarating experience!

The developers must have understood that one cannot have both the empire and the beauty. They must have guessed his current regrets, which led to the creation of the second playthrough, allowing him to make up for the time he had sacrificed with his wives for the sake of strength.

"Well done, devs!"

Renji, filled with excitement, slapped his thigh and wanted to give the developers a big thumbs up.

In the past, he had lost himself in the pursuit of strength, but this time, Renji made up his mind.

Regardless of any environmental setbacks or infrastructure developments, he would always keep his wives by his side! He would fill their favorability to the maximum!

lightsΝοvel With such a gaming philosophy in mind, Renji pressed the <<Confirm>> button without hesitation.

In the next moment, a beam of light flashed.

Darkness engulfed his entire field of vision.

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