Surprisingly, the Baron didn’t entrust this matter to an expert. His brown eyes twinkled and lit up, as if he had been anticipating this for a long time.

“Everything you do is always commendable.”

“I know.”

When the Baron nodded and agreed with Lanoa’s sarcastic words, Lanoa blinked his eyes in surprise.

No, isn’t it too much to say something like this to someone’s face?

“Baron, I see you think of me as someone useless.”

“I’ll put it bluntly then. Considering how much money you’ve been spending to sort out troubles for Young Lady’s dignity…”

The Baron shook his head and left the end of the sentence open-endedly.

“I’m glad you seem to be coming to your senses these days.”

Since then, the Baron’s nagging started to no end.

‘Wow…. I think I know now why you and Rosetta didn’t get along. How can you nag so much in such a short time?’

My head felt dizzy.

Lanoa, who was initially laughing at my misfortune, also was nagged by the Baron. His gloating face quickly withered.

The idea of escaping from here plagued my head.

I grabbed Shasha’s yawning face. Shasha frowned and shook his head.

‘Stay still. I can get out of here by using you as an excuse.’

“Huh? You want to get out? Okay, my Shasha’s tired of Baron’s nagging. I’d better get going.”

“There’s something you need to know.”

‘You’re still nagging me?’

When I looked at the Baron without hiding my weariness, he carefully said.

“There’s a rumor going around about the Crown Prince’s whereabouts. No one knows where he is right now.”

Well, that Crown Prince was here now. As the Baron spoke, I looked down at Shasha. He too looked up at me.

“The Crown Prince usually does not wander here and there.”

“The Little Duke is secretly looking for him.”

“Older brother? So it’s not just a rumor.”

“Yes, but we have to see whether there’s really a problem.”

A problem? No, there were a lot of problems. The Crown Prince was not only hunted by Lanoa but he was also wearing the collar I ordered.

“If His Highness doesn’t come back by next month, we might have to hold Young Lady’s coming-of-age ceremony here.”

‘Oh, it’s my birthday soon.’

Now I understood why Baron’s reaction was so cautious. The coming-of-age ceremony was a very important event for Rosetta.

Rosetta had settled in the North at the age of twelve and had never left the North for six years. So, the Duke had promised her that her coming-of-age ceremony would be the grandest in the whole imperial capital.

So her long-awaited coming-of-age ceremony was to be held in a simple manner in the estate because of some Crown Prince, whose face she hadn’t even seen?

Rosetta was so angry that she flipped everything upside down.

Maybe that’s why the Baron looked at me like that.

I clicked my tongue, seeing the two people sitting far away from the table.

‘You know, you guys really are creating the situation to make me flip something upside down.’

I looked at them with a chilling gaze but they didn’t even flinch.

“That’s fine with me.”



“I thought you would get angry, but this is unexpected.”

“I told you, I have been born anew.”

And the coming-of-age ceremony meant nothing to me.

Unable to believe my calm reaction, the two people stared at me blankly with their mouths open. I didn’t want to deal with them anymore, so I closed the door and left them behind.

The approaching coming-of-age ceremony meant that the start of the original story was also getting closer.

In other words, there was not much time left before Shasha would leave.

I patted Shasha on the head.

“You will be able to go home soon.”

Once Liliana shows up, everything would be back in its place.

* * *

“My Lady.”

“I won’t buy it.”

“Please take a look at this.”

“I’m busy. Don’t bother me and go.”

I lightly pushed Baron Pallia around and threw the ball.

A cloud of dust rose behind Shasha, who ran quickly after the ball. Seeing the dust cling to his body, the Baron furrowed his eyebrows. It was obvious that he wanted to clean up quickly and leave.

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