Chapter 1: Marrying Up

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Shen City.

Jin Xue, a resident doctor from the Thoracic Surgery Department of the Renxin Hospital had just finished her grueling night shift when she was urgently called back to the Jin family by her grandmother.

As Jin Xue entered the opulent living room on the first floor, she expected to find her father, but to her surprise, only her grandmother awaited her with a grave expression.

Exhaustion etched on her face, Jin Xue demanded to know the reason for the urgency. “Grandma, what’s the matter that couldn’t wait?”

With a solemn demeanor, Old Madam Jin revealed an old photograph, shaking Jin Xue’s world to its core.

“You were originally an abandoned baby. Your mother was kind enough to raise you after finding you at the train station. Throughout the years, the Jin family has cared for you as one of their own, providing you with a life of luxury. It is their generosity that has propelled you to your current success.”

This bombshell news struck Jin Xue like a lightning bolt, causing her heart to ache with a mix of emotions she never anticipated!

She was also stunned.

She subconsciously tightened her grip on the old yellowed photo and stared at the baby girl in the photo with widened eyes.

The tears in her eyes dissipated a lot. Jin Xue stared at her grandmother inquisitively. “I have a boyfriend and my relationship is very stable. Gu Zhou and I are going to get married. You all know that. Why do you want me to marry Jin Yue instead of her?”

Old Madam Jin’s expression turned serious. “Jin Yue is still young. She still has to study.”

“She’s only a year younger than me. She graduated from college last month.”

“You should be the one to repay the favor. You should be the one to get married! You’re the elder sister. Of course, the eldest sister should get married first. How can the younger sister be the first to get married?”

There was a hint of bitterness in Jin Xue’s eyes.

In the past, her grandmother did not know how to reason with her at all, nor did she know the order of seniority. She only knew how to dote on her younger siblings.

As long as it was something her younger siblings wanted, even if it belonged to her, her grandmother would snatch it for them.

There must be a reason why such an illustrious and wealthy family did not allow Jin Yue to marry!

Looking at her grandmother, Jin Xue said firmly, “I’ll talk to Dad. I won’t marry him! I can’t betray Gu Zhou!”

Old Madam Jin said sternly, “Jin Xue, wake up. Renhe Hospital’s young doctor can’t give you happiness. Water flows to the bottom, and people go to the top. It’s already a blessing for someone of your status to be able to marry into the Jiang family. Don’t be stubborn anymore.”

“Grandma likes this marriage so much. Let Jin Yue marry him. She deserves such good fortune!”

“Your father has already received 300 million yuan from the Jiang family. You have to marry Jiang Yu. I can’t bear for Jin Yue to marry so early. I still want her to accompany me for a few more years. Besides, your late mother said that she can’t treat you badly. The Jin family will find a good husband for you. The Jiang family is the most suitable for you.”

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