He Clings to Me Every Night

Chapter 177 - Chapter 177: Chapter 177 Presidential Suite

Chapter 177: Chapter 177 Presidential Suite

Translator: 549690339

The female bodyguard’s phone rang again.

Olivia Jenkins threatened, “If you dare to answer that call, get out of here!”

The bodyguard kindly said, “Madam, your husband really cares about you, he values you, he truly wants to protect you.”

Does it really feel fortunate being watched at all times?

Does it feel good being treated like a pawn?

Olivia didn’t need it, and she wouldn’t accept it either.

“If you think he’s so great, why don’t you go and be with him!”

In her cold voice, Olivia Jenkins retorted, and in an instant, the female bodyguard dared not utter another word.

The bodyguard’s phone kept ringing. Bothered, Olivia grabbed it and shut it off right away.

These were all classic traits of Olivia Jenkins. Daniel knew she was mad now.

She must have thought he was treating her like a pawn again.

This woman’s misinterpretations were getting out of hand.

With his brows knitted and a flash of worry in his eyes, Daniel got up from his CEO’s desk and strode out.

The bodyguard had a tracker on her. With location sharing, Daniel was going to find Olivia.

Before he left, Daniel Marshall took with him the flowers he had personally picked out from the shop.

Suddenly, Olivia received a text from an unknown number.

“Do you want to know who the black feather dress from the Black Wedding Series belongs to? If you do, meet me at Serene City Plaza.”

Who was this person?

They must know something about Daniel and Benjamin Johnson, right?

Could it be Benjamin Johnson?

Or could it be Fiona?

Thinking for a moment, Olivia decided not to reply to the text and dialed Benjamin Johnson’s number instead.

“President Johnson, where are you?”

With a playful smile, Benjamin Johnson said, “I’m at the office.”

“I’m going to Serene City Plaza. Do you want to meet me there? I’ll treat you to dinner. I’d like to discuss the potential partnership.” Without hesitation, Benjamin Johnson responded, “Alright!”

“See you at the western restaurant on the fifth floor!”

After hanging up, Olivia texted the unknown number. “I’m heading over to

Serene City Plaza now. I’ll wait tor you at the western restaurant on the fifth floor.” “Ok! But you must come alone!”

“Ok! ”

After sending the message, she put away her phone. Olivia asked the bodyguard to drive her to the N&N Hotel.

The bodyguard didn’t dare to object and immediately accompanied Olivia.

Olivia stared threateningly at the female bodyguard sitting next to her. “If you tell Daniel Marshall, I won’t let you off.”

The bodyguard outwardly relented. “Yes, madam!”

Even without her reporting, Chief Daniel Marshall always knows their whereabouts.

Perhaps Chief Daniel Marshall was already on his way.

After checking into the presidential suite, Olivia called Jordan Bennett.

“President Bennett, I’m experiencing a stay at your N&N Hotel. I’ll post my genuine reviews on social media later to alert you. I’m looking forward to experiencing the five-star service level of the N&N Hotel, wondering whether if I will get bothered?”

Jordan Bennet’s deep eyes darkened, “Is this how you corner me?

“Anyway, I’m currently a VIP in your hotel. Just deal with it. I can’t control my mouth, and I am not sure if I will say something I shouldn’t.”

Having made her point, Olivia hangs up.

Turning to Aria Douglas then, she said, “You drive to the Serene City Plaza.”

Aria Douglas nodded, “Actually, someone has been following us.”

Olivia chuckled, “No way around it, I guess. I’m too attractive!”

When Aria Douglas left, Olivia turned to Leaf Fiona, “You don’t have to come upstairs with me. This is the N&N Hotel. If you don’t trust me, at least trust

Jordan Bennett, right? I’m only staying here one night. Just where do you think I can go? Unless there was a helicopter to pick me up, where else can I fly to if I don’t use the lobby elevator?”

Leaf Fiona tactfully agreed not to go upstairs with Olivia.

The elevator, exclusive to the presidential suite, arrived. Olivia stepped inside with an air of defiance..

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