Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 224 Zena's Shock

[: Daniel POV :]

I never expected to encounter another cultivator like Stelia.

A cultivator who had been reincarnated from the Immortal Realm.

It was a rare intriguing development that piqued my interest.

What truly surprised me, though, was Zena's immediate loyalty towards me.

Her sudden commitment was unexpected, but it brought me great delight.

With Zena having willingly accepted the role of my disciple, it was time to reward her for her decision.

I confidently declared, "You won't ever regret this choice," and noticed the questioning look in her eyes, which I found rather adorable.

Without any delay, I snapped my fingers, channeling the powers from the cards to her, bestowing upon her newfound abilities.

As soon as the powers were transferred to her, Zena's body emitted a potent aura.

Her questioning look was cut short as her consciousness suddenly transported to an unfamiliar dimension.

In this mysterious space, Zena found herself under the watchful gaze of an Entity.

Its eyes were colossal, resembling the size of hundreds of galaxies, and despite her past as an immortal, she had never felt as insignificant as she did in that moment.

"What is this...?"

Her consciousness trembled in the presence of the Entity, and the aura it exuded was unlike anything she had ever encountered.

It surpassed even the ancient beings of the Immortal Realm she had crossed paths with.

The aura emanating from the Entity seemed to be on an entirely different scale, perhaps thousands, millions, or even trillions of times more potent than any power she had ever encountered.

Zena was now confronted with a force of unimaginable magnitude.

Despite the overwhelming aura she sensed from the Entity, it was only like a gentle breeze to Zena.

She couldn't help but question, "Who...are...you?" while the immense power surrounded her.

Despite the power's magnitude, Zena sensed no malevolence.

It felt strangely familiar yet foreign, like a part of her she had yet to uncover.

It was as if the Entity was reaching out to her, and her query was soon answered.

'The Physique... of... Astral Eye?'

The flood of information overwhelmed her, and she finally grasped the true identity of the Entity.

But as she absorbed this knowledge, she became even more stunned and speechless, realizing the incredible power she had assimilated.

Before she could delve deeper into her newfound insights, she found herself in yet another realm.

This time, it seemed as if she had entered an unknown domain of spirits, filled with mysteries waiting to be discovered.

"This... is the Spirit Realm! But it's far more potent than the one I'm familiar with! Could it be on a higher plane altogether?"

Zena was utterly shocked, struggling to find words to convey her disbelief.

While she had ventured into the Spirit Realm before, the aura of this realm surpassed anything she had experienced.

The enormity of it all left her astonished and questioning.

"How can this be?"

It was as if she had encountered the very embodiment of the cosmos, using her own likeness as its visage.

The entity's form was adorned with galaxies and stars.

And Zena could sense that it wielded power equivalent to that of the Spirit to which the billions of spirits had bowed.

Gone were the days of surprise, for Zena had come to understand that I, her master, was a being beyond her comprehension.

She no longer questioned the strangeness of her experiences as she boldly inquired,

"Who are you...?"

In response, the entity representing the universe drew closer to her.

Eventually, it touched her forehead, and Zena was enlightened once again as a deluge of information streamed into her consciousness.

"The Bloodline... of Origin."

Zena was utterly astounded by the information she had received.

It was a bloodline she had never even heard of, yet she couldn't help but feel her heart race with both excitement and trepidation at the immense power it held.

Following that revelation, she acquired mastery and knowledge of the Cultivation Manual and Technique.

Eventually, as her consciousness returned to her body, she opened her eyes and gazed at me.

There was only one word that escaped her lips, but it carried a depth of emotion that words alone couldn't capture.


Though a single word, it conveyed a profound blend of gratitude, admiration, and an indescribable sense of worship.

Zena's excitement was palpable, causing her body to tremble uncontrollably.

Her mind raced with countless thoughts, but her emotions had already surpassed the limits of mere words.


Once again, she called out to me, her voice filled with reverence and gratitude.

I watched her silently, fully aware of the profound impact this moment held for her.

Tears welled up in her eyes, tracing a path down her cheeks.

The sensation was overwhelming, an intoxicating elation that left her feeling light-headed and giddy.

Standing there, Zena seemed to radiate an otherworldly glow, her body pulsating with an almost ethereal strength.

Her every cell tingled with an incomprehensible, godly power.

Her appearance had transformed as well, most notably her hair, which was now adorned with the very essence of the universe itself.

It shimmered with the light of distant stars and the beauty of countless galaxies, a proor to the awe-inspiring power she now possessed.

"How do you feel?"

I asked with warmth in my eyes, concerned about her well-being.

Zena, overwhelmed by her experiences, couldn't find the words to respond.

Her emotions were caught in her throat, rendering her momentarily speechless.

Her body weakened, and I quickly caught her, supporting her weight.

She clung to me, her arms wrapped around my neck, as tears flowed freely.

In that vulnerable moment, she poured out her heart, sharing her story and venting her anger and frustration.

I listened attentively, providing her with the comfort and solace she needed during this emotional release.

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