Heroes to Hunted

Chapter 19 Determination.

With Malgam gone, nothing prevented me from trying to break free.

My efforts would be in vain, though, since the leather bindings wouldn't budge so easily. However, it wasn't just those, as the entirety of the wooden shelf had been devoid of any structural defects.

"Come on, Katsuro!" I grumbled. "You've escaped worse!"

After a few minutes, my grunts of resistance were deafened by a blood-curdling scream. Following it, I was a frantic but familiar voice echoing through the halls.

"No! No! Get your filthy hands off me! Y-You b-bastards! Let. Me. Go!"

It was shaken with fear and, though feminine, had a ferocious tone that made it indistinguishable from any other. 'It's Agawa's!'

'What's happening to her?' My mind raced with thoughts to help, but what could I do? I was still stuck on this godforsaken post!

"NO! PLEASE!" She grew even more distressed.

I thrashed my body savagely, waiting for an opportunity...any opportunity, to escape my shackles.

I jerked my body back and forth, thrashing my body against the shelf to break free. But, even if I did break free from here, what could I possibly accomplish? I had no gun and no backup. Hell, I didn't even know where I was!

My struggles grew more reckless as time pressed on. Thanks to that, the bindings dug deeper into my skin, drawing small streaks of blood from my wrists.

Then, feeling the wetness trickling down my arm, I had an epiphany. 'The blood... I can use the blood!'

I snapped my gaze to my left arm and then my right. They were swollen to nearly bursting with a searing pain to match.

It still wasn't enough. I'd need to subject myself to even greater agony if I wanted enough lubrication.

I'm sad to say that I faltered at that moment. But that hesitation ended when I heard her again.

"-EASE!" Her voice trembled with each word. "SOMEBODY! PLEASE HELP!

So I viciously ground my arms against the straps, creating an even larger wound from which blood could flow. Once I'd bled enough, I used the crimson fluids to grease my bindings.

I was desperate, even begging any divine forces that may or may not have listened. If demons existed, then surely gods must've, too! They had to!

But, unfortunately, my prayers must've fallen upon deaf ears.

Sadly, but almost expectedly, my bonds barely budged even when slick.

I ceased my struggle, losing all the strength I had built up within my constricted muscles.

'Am I going to fail again?' I couldn't believe it. All I wanted was to save a life rather than take one. Was that really so much to ask?

"A-ANYONE! P-PLEASE!" Hopelessness began to set into Agawa's voice.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" A male voice yelled, followed by a loud thud.

That was a male voice. A voice that belonged to a male that just struck her.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

I had seen enough of humanity to have known what was happening.

Because of that, I lost any inhibition regarding the pain. I didn't care what happened anymore, so long as I saved the people that I wanted to save. I was NOT going to abandon my duty. After everything that had happened... That was all that I had left.

"P-Please, Sato…" Her words became meek and defeated, meaning the time for strategizing was over.

I steeled my resolve and forcefully tore my hands from the straps. The pain was unbearable. It was a combination of my wounds rubbing against stiff leather and nearly ripping my muscles apart.

The pain brought my mind to the brink of shutting down.

Still, I disregarded it and gritted my teeth. "I'll be free from these bindings or these damn arms," I growled, holding back my pained whimpers.

The small streams of blood formed a constant gush as I tore more skin from my wrists.

With each cry I stifled, I had to actively remind myself to hush the next. I couldn't afford to waste an ambush opportunity. Especially if I was going to be injured when I confronted them. Besides, this was nothing compared to being burned alive, not even close!

The straps loosened slightly, allowing me just a millimeter more rotational movement. It would only be a few more tugs until I was free!

After every inch of ground won, I was given yet another wound to lament later. Eventually, it was just one final pull before I was freed entirely.

With one more victorious heave, I fiercely ripped myself from the shelf.

I raised my hands to the light above. They were stiff, swollen, and raw, leaving me with almost robotic movements.

"I'm coming for you, Agawa. Just wait for me." Whether that declaration was for her or to boost my dwindling morale, I couldn't be sure.

Efficiently and with haste, I frantically unstrapped the leather around my legs.

Their rubbery, tan exteriors became deep brown as they soaked up the blood that smothered my hands. Though I fumbled, I eventually unlatched the straps from their buckles and fell to the floor.

I staggered to my feet and limped shabbily to the blood-soaked workbench.

I appraised the contents atop it. As I saw earlier, there was a variety of surgical instruments.

Hacksaws, bloodied gloves, syringes, rope and chains, and numerous disturbing tools lay strewn about the workbench's surface. Amongst them were several knives.

I hastily seized the sharpest of the knives. The razor edge was so honed that even the lightest pressure could split my skin like butter.

Now free and armed, I worked my legs overtime and charged down the hallway toward Agawa's voice.

With each step, I received relief from the chilled ground to my red-hot, cloth-wrapped swollen feet. Several more, and I'd finally reached a decomposing wood door.

ραпdα Йᴏνêl(сòm) This was it. The entrance that led to the one that I needed to protect.

I clenched my teeth and braced my body. 'You won't be a casualty, Agawa; I won't let you.'

As I breached, I felt it in my bones, my very core. Death was on the horizon, and he was reaping souls.

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