Heroes to Hunted

Chapter 7 A Leisurely Ride.

"This 'other world' business," Kamida spoke, shattering my trance, "It's pretty strange, isn't it? I must confess... I don't believe it myself. Though, after that display, it's hard to argue. I mean," he grabbed his forehead and laughed, "who knew that magic could exist?!"

"Are you idiotic?" Takagi insulted. "Haven't you ever heard of special effects? That stuff was obviously fake."

"Not that I'm convinced," Agawa interrupted, "but it's amazing you, of all people, can say that. Considering what you did to that door, I thought you'd be the first to believe it."

Takagi looked at Agawa blankly. "That? That was just my natural strength." He immaturely flexed.

"Huh?!" Agawa exclaimed. "How can you think that?! Even ignoring the kick, how would you explain the light that spiraled into your leg?!"

I agreed with Agawa.

I knew better than anyone the door was too bulky to be broken by a kick. Even a breaching tool would take more than a few swings, yet this guy tossed it through the air with a single strike?

There was strong, then there was impossible. What he did was the latter.

"I'm just superhuman," Takagi taunted, "you don't need to get jealous."

Agawa wasn't amused. She pointed at Takagi, "you aren't superhuman; you're super-egotistic! Get over yourself!"

"Huh," Takagi grunted, "so you wanna fight, is that it? I'll knock your head in."

It was tedious, but I'd have to break up the petty squabbles between them. I couldn't allow them to fight. Especially not while so many unknowns existed that could jeopardize their safety.

I began to speak in protest when Kamida beat me to the punch. "Why the hostility between you two? We should be exchanging pleasantries, not violence. After all, that's what friends do!"

Kamida's interjection was not well received, at least by Takagi. Akin to a malfunctioning missile, he instantly changed course. "Ohhh…and when exactly did I say I'd be your friend, Con-mida?"

Say what you will; the pun was impressive. Even more so considering the creator. Takagi may have looked like a run-of-the-mill delinquent and acted like one, but he even had a sharp tongue to boot.

Given his personality, the guy might've had as many enemies in his life as me!

"Aww, please don't say that, Mr. Takagi. You know it never hurts to have more friends. Even for the strong few that can handle themselves," Kamida gestured to Takagi's legs, "it's always wise to have a few people to rely on."

"Sure, sure. Friends might not hurt, but a sketchy dude in a suit definitely could!" Takagi scoffed back.

"I suppose you're right, Mr. Takagi." Kamida clasped his hands together and grinned. "I look forward to earning your trust in the future!"

Amazingly, Kamida's ability of persuasion was as flawless as his suit.

I witnessed him dousing Takagi's turbulent fire of hostility with a flood of overwhelming friendliness. That level of charisma, if he ever tried selling me something, I'd have to tactically retreat before I ended up bankrupt.

Defeated by Kamida's cordiality, Takagi scowled and retreated from the conversation. Then, like Agawa, his gaze fixated on the untamed wilderness.

Not pushing his victory, Kamida then turned to me. "And? How about you, Mr. Sato?"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

I took a breath and exhaled in preparation. I'd need to be careful to not get swept up by his words.

"What can I do for you, Kamida?" I was hoping he wouldn't try sketchy mind tricks with me.

He reciprocated my question with his best salesman grin. "Would you be pleased if you and I were to share a friendship, Mr. Sato?"

I didn't detect malice behind his words, though I knew this type of person tended to be troublesome.

Should I really allow myself to become involved? On the other hand, he'd probably become more of an issue if I refused him.

I weighed my options, and, in the end, the route of least resistance would also be the route of the least headache. Seeing his charisma and aggressive friendliness in action, I don't think I could've refused anyway.

"That's fine, Kamida." I said. "So long as it doesn't impede my duties, it won't be a problem."

He became luminous with joy and smiled.

"Splendid! I'd expect no less from a man who has served; you're very practical! So," he leaned towards me, "how long have you been enlisted? If you don't mind my asking, that is."

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) Instant regret followed my decision to accept. Now that we were "friends," would he start grilling me for personal information? The guy was a loan…unofficial financier, after all.

Attempts at extracting that stuff must've come naturally to him.

About to answer a resolute "No," I felt two extra pairs of eyes beaming at me.

It wasn't just Kamida's attention on me, but Agawa's and Takagi's too. I never knew being in the military was such a fascinating topic. It was hard to refuse when I'd been burdened by so much social pressure.

"Since the Japanese military was reformed," I replied.

"I see." Kamida interlocked his hands. "Four years, huh? You must have quite a bit of experience under your belt."

Many years' worth of brutality played inside my mind. Piles of bodies, crying family members, and flattened towns, though the screams are what stuck with me the most.

"Yeah, I suppose I do." I wasn't giddy with this conversation topic. Even my false grin twitched with genuine irritation.

More than irritation, I was furious with myself that I didn't refuse in the first place.

He must've caught my unease because his retreat was swift and efficient. "Oh, pardon my manners. I realize this must be a sensitive topic for you. We can leave it at that if you wish."

"If you wouldn't mind," I replied in relief. "War isn't exactly one of my ideal conversation pieces." I was thankful this guy knew when he'd pushed his luck, at least.

"Of course, and again, please pardon my curiosity." Kamida apologized and fell back into his seat.

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