Chapter 8, I wish to ride in your car

After seeing the message, Su Yi was silent for almost a minute.

To the side, Wu Xue turned her head and said, “These few days just stay at home and rest, if you’re going out remember to tell An Xuan to go with you.”

An Xuan nodded from the driver’s seat, “Yeah, I’ll be there whenever you call!”

There was no response.

Wu Xue said, “What are you daydreaming about?”

Su Yi came back to her senses, her lips quirking without her control. “Nothing.”

“Your smile is almost splitting your face,” Wu Xue said. “Cut it out.”

Just when she finished speaking, her phone rang.

She glanced at the call notice and picked it up immediately. “Little Chen, how’s it going, any news?”


“What happened with that scriptwriter, didn’t he decide on Su Yi?”

Wu Xue said a few more sentences before angrily hanging up.

“What happened?”

Wu Xue cursed. “The role for ‘Undercurrent’ has been decided.”

Su Yi sent a cute and adorable emoji to Chu Ying, coldly saying, “Tu Jinglan?”

Wu Xue said, “Yeah, what’s with that, when I checked a while ago that role should have been yours.”

“It’s alright,” Su Yi said uncaringly. “It’s no problem, was the casting for the other script decided on?”

“I don’t think so, let me make a call and check.” Wu Xue hugged her chest, looking angrier than Su Yi was. “This isn’t right. An Xuan, drop me off at the next crossing, I need to go back to the company and check this out.”

Wu Xue got off the car overbearingly.

An Xuan started the car again, it was only a small distance away when the person sitting at the backseat spoke up.

“An Xuan, call it a day today, go home.” Su Yi put her phone back in her bag. “I can drive myself home.”

An Xuan was a little dumbfounded. “It’s no problem, I can send you.”

Su Yi’s hand was already on the door handle. “Stop the car.”

An Xuan got off the car and stood by the road watching the black Jaguar start up again, appearing ready to leave.

It didn’t get more than a few metres away before it stopped.

The door opened, Su Yi pushed aside her fringe as she went to the trunk and swiftly changed into her sneakers.

Su Yi had long legs, so even changing her shoes attracted plenty of attention. A few even recognized her, bringing out their phones to take photos.

An Xuan hadn’t reached the bus stop when she received a call from Wu Xue.

Wu Xue said, “…I have only left for barely ten minutes, why are there photos of Su Yi changing her shoes on the streets on Weibo?”


Su Yi didn’t usually drive. It wasn’t because she was too lazy to do so, it was because Wu Xue didn’t let her – she was of the belief that it was troublesome for celebrities to drive, if they accidentally scraped something it’d become some news somewhere.

She turned off the air-conditioning, opened the window and put on the sunglasses from the box beside her, tapping her fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the music.

Red light. She stopped the car, rested her head on her hand and stared at the traffic light.

Someone honked her.

Su Yi leaned backwards a little and saw that a rather vampish red racing car was parked on the next lane.

The guy sitting on the driver’s seat raised his Crayon Shin-chan brows at her.

Su Yi ignored him, opening her phone to check if Chu Ying had replied.

The screen was empty.

The light turned green. She rolled the window up, floored the gas and sped off.

She didn’t expect that racecar to follow her, even passing the security and entering the condominium’s parking lots. It’s only when she finished parking that she realized that car was parked diagonally opposite hers.

Crayon Shin-chan brows was a little fat. He got off the car, leaned against the door and smiled at her.

Su Yi took off her glasses and took out the taser from her bag. After getting off the car she remembered to retrieve her heels from the trunk and, dangling them from her second finger, she calmly walked towards the lift entrance.

Crayon Shin-chan brows laughed and said, “Let’s go together?”

Su Yi tilted her head and smiled. “Sure.”

In the lift, she stood silently, not even going to pressing her floor number.

Crayon Shin-chan brows hurried her, “Su Yi, press the button.”

As expected, this person

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