This is technically two parts since a bonus ko-fi chapter is included

The monkey on Mu Sicheng’s hat suddenly opened its mouth and grinned. Its eyes flashed red as it seemed to be responding to Mu Sicheng’s suggestion to kill. It looked strange and horrifying. The audience members who had been acting superior were frightened by Mu Sicheng. They screamed and fled in all directions. In the process of escaping, some of them ran too quickly and bumped into each other. They crawled out of the viewing area of Bai Liu’s small TV in an embarrassed manner.

Mu Sicheng put on his hat and stood in the front row as if nothing had happened. He restored a bland expression and continued to look up at Bai Liu’s small TV. The surrounding audience inevitably stepped back, leaving enough viewing space for Mu Sicheng in the front row.

The audience’s normal discussion became much quieter, as if they were afraid to disturb Mu Sicheng watching Bai Liu’s small TV. Wang Shun stood behind Mu Sicheng and his expression was as complicated as his mood. For the first time, he faced Mu Sicheng’s danger.

This was why there were almost no critical spectators in the live broadcast rooms of the top gods. They were almost always full of praise. It was because the game here could kill people. If their words provoked a certain great god then the other party could kill them as simple as crushing an ant.

There were only many viewers who liked to criticize in the viewing areas for newcomers and some mild-tempered players. If they dared to do such things in Mu Sicheng’s viewing area then grass would grow on their burial mounds.

Many of the spectators who liked to criticize Bai Liu were mostly low level guild players. In fact, their game skills were very low. Many of the games were played with the guild or they directly searched the strategy guide to clear the game. Their game ability was very limited.

Instead of living precariously every day, they liked to talk drivel everywhere. These low level audience members especially disliked newcomers who were explosive and competitive. It was because these newcomers would grab their paying audience and promotion positions. They felt great malice toward newcomers who were obviously going to rise. For example, Bai Liu, for example, the original Mu Sicheng.

Wang Shun moved back next to Mu Sicheng. He might be a bit afraid of Mu Sicheng but he still wanted to stand in the front row. Facing Mu Sicheng, Wang Shun restrained his curiosity for information. He turned his head and asked quietly, “God Mu, did you really kill the audience members who scolded you?”

“How is that possible?” Mu Sicheng replied indifferently. “I’m not so idle. I just said that to scare them because they were being very annoying.”

Wang Shun sighed with relief. “Oh, it was fake.”

“Although I didn’t kill anyone, my monkey headphones likes to eat those I hate. So it really ate a few.” Mu Sicheng suddenly turned his head and looked at Bai Liu on the small TV with a slight smile.

He shrugged and didn’t defend himself that much. “Still, the main reason is that they were willing to scold me. It led to this end. I think I shouldn’t be blamed.”

Wang Shun, “……”

Bai Liu dragged the cart and got off the ship again. He was followed by a few merfolk sailors behind him but it wasn’t enough. Bai Liu still had the Siren King. Now without the blessings of the weather and the amulets, the merfolk sailors could only stay far behind Bai Liu, staring at Bai Liu with resentment and greed.

However, Bai Liu’s mind was no longer on the sailors. He was thinking it was strange. The system said that most of the monsters on land had been restricted so it gave up on using the weather to weaken him. Yet the monster book had four pages. There were the merfolk sailors and the merfolk statues. The Siren King was in Bai Liu’s hands. Meanwhile, the weakest and lowest level monster with the highest number hadn’t appeared.

They were the merfolk, or the larval form.

Bai Liu had been chased for so long on the shore and the merfolk hadn’t been seen at all. This was unreasonable. If the system wasn’t lying to him, the monsters on land had indeed been mostly restricted by him. In other words, the weakest merfolk monsters probably weren’t on the shore.

Bai Liu’s eyes slowly fell on the calm, waveless sea in front of him. The huge number of merfolk were likely to be lurking in the sea.

[System notification: There is one hour before the Siren King wakes up. Please speed up the pace and clear the instance.]

An hour. Bai Liu estimated the speed at which he could drag the Siren King while swimming. It was almost good. There was just an uncertain factor: the merfolk hiding in the sea.

The interference of the merfolk meant this time wasn’t necessarily sufficient. Still, different situations called for different actions. Bai Liu didn’t think too much. He left the cart by the seaside, kneeled down and looked at the Siren King in the cart.

The Siren King, who had shown no reaction during the chase and fight, was now flapping the fins at his ears. His chest was slightly undulating and the lustrous jade complexion showed a type of vitality. Bai Liu could feel that the Siren King was about to wake up. He placed the Siren King’s arm around his shoulder, took a deep breath and ran to the sea.

As the sea water covered his legs, Bai Liu’s legs, waist, the corners of his eyes and the bridge of his nose were all covered by small silver-green scales. Gills appeared on both sides of his face and his eyeballs shrunk to half the original size, trembling in the center of his eye sockets. He took a deep breath, held the Siren King and plunged into the boundless blue waters.

In front of the small TV, Wang Shun sighed with relief. “He is finally going into the sea. It should be cleared soon.”

“That isn’t necessarily the case.” Mu Sicheng folded his arms across his chest as if remembering something. The corners of his mouth twitched from the unbearable memories. “I thought it would be cleared soon when I dragged the siren banshee into the sea. I didn’t expect that once I swam to the sea area called Siren’s Gift, it would be densely packed with green-eyed merfolk. I was almost killed.”

“Finally, I had to buy a strong flashlight to get rid of those merfolk. It cost me more than 200 points.” Mu Sicheng was a bit depressed when he recalled it. It was one of the biggest failures in his game career.

Wang Shun was surprised. “More than 200 points? How can it be so expensive?!”

Then he seemed to react. “Bai Liu already needed to pay 250 points if he wanted to buy the flashlight previously. Then the system will definitely increase its price. Won’t it be more expensive?”

“It should be. The system’s pricing for each item is mainly based on two points. The first is based on the ‘supply and demand relationship’ of the entire market. The second is when the system evaluates the player’s demand for a certain item to determine the price. In short, if the system feels that you urgently need an item then it will set the price higher.”

Mu Sicheng watched the unknowing Bai Liu swimming in the deep sea and showed a rare gleeful smile. “Once Bai Liu swims to the sea area called Siren’s Gift, the player will be surrounded by merfolk and fall into an emergency. Then they will be slaughtered by the system. Just wait for Bai Liu to be bled. I guarantee that his flashlight will cost at least 400 points.”

Just as they were discussing this, the novice player who previously squeezed out Bai Liu’s promotion position, Mu Ke, had already entered Siren’s Gift. Mu Ke held the white bones of the siren banshee in one hand, waved his feet like a fishtail and swam toward the dark, bottomless seabed.

He should also be aware that he was about to pass the level. There was an ecstatic smile on his face that was visible to the naked eye. Wang Shun in Bai Liu’s viewing area could see other people’s small TVs but it wasn’t as clear as Bai Liu’s TV. It was blurry like frosted glass.

Even so, it was clear that Mu Ke had swam to the bottom of the sea area, Siren’s Gift.

Wang Shun looked at Mu Ke who was about to reach the bottom of the sea and couldn’t help sighing regretfully. “He is reaching the bottom of the sea while Bai Liu is still swimming… this newcomer called Mu Ke will still pass the level faster than Bai Liu. He should be the first one in this batch of newcomers to pass the level.”

“The system will give a special reward to the player who is the first to pass the level in a group of newcomers. It is a personal skill, which is very precious to a player. Bai Liu could’ve obtained it.” Wang Shun sighed.

As he talked, Wang Shun watched Bai Liu who was still ignorantly swimming in the small TV. He resented Bai Liu for failing to meet expectations and exclaimed, “Hey, Bai Liu! Who asked you to do these tricks to waste time! It is indeed a waste of time! It might save you some points but there are losses. If you had moved faster then you would be first in this batch of newcomers!”

Since Bai Liu rushed to the central screen’s strong promotion position after falling, Mu Ke was ranked one spot higher than Bai Liu in the ‘single player strongly recommended promotion position’ by the system.

Compare Mu Ke’s happy appearance at almost clearing the instance with Bai Liu dragging the Siren King forward gently like he was sleepwalking in the sea. It seemed Mu Ke had firmly stepped on Bai Liu’s head and Wang Shun shook his head. It was like seeing his own talented child who was so fond of playing that he couldn’t even beat the ordinary child next door in an examination. He felt helpless and suffocated.

Mu Sicheng’s attitude was completely different. He just looked at Mu Ke next door and spoke indifferently, “Who will be the first newcomer? It still isn’t easy to say.”

However, most of the people watching Mu Ke’s small TV had the same views as Wang Shun, especially those who were

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