Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 020 - Swallow Tail Flash, Azure Lightning Crane, Leisurely Wander! (1)

Chapter 020 - Swallow Tail Flash, Azure Lightning Crane, Leisurely Wander! (1)

Mountains stretched out in a seamless chain, amidst which clouds flowed like a boundless sea, harboring secrets and legends as old as time itself.

At the heart of this magnificent scenery, the First Sword Peak soared into the heavens, standing tall like a gargantuan sword piercing through the sky, a testament to its unparalleled blade's sharpness.

With a cacophony akin to a dragon's roar, over a hundred figures whisked across the sky, cleaving the looming clouds and heading towards a palace nestled amidst the clouds near the First Sword Peak—the abode of young Sword Cultivators of the revered Azure Spirit Sword Sect.

Their robes fluttered wildly in the wind, their emblems—a swirling, dancing one—stitched with utmost grandeur on their backs, signifying their proud origin from the First Sword Peak. These young individuals, with flowing hair and eyes glittering with an unruly, fierce light, radiated confidence, their smiles both suave and self-assured. They moved gracefully across the sky, evoking awe and admiration from onlookers.

Beneath their steady feet were Sword Souls, each one extending over six feet in length and at least as wide as a palm, offering stability as they traversed through the skies. A masterful representation of the Sovereign Sword form, a pinnacle of sword cultivation, where the sword and the cultivator merged into one.

Zing! As they approached a celestial palace amidst the clouds, they effortlessly retracted their Sword Souls, shrinking them to a mere three inches before they returned to their masters' palms. The young Sword Cultivators descended gracefully, their hands behind their backs, displaying a demeanor that could only be described as dashing. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

"Junior Sister Jiang!" A group of leading cultivators, both dignified and handsome, shouted with welcoming smiles towards the palace amidst the clouds.

Boom! Before the echoes of their greeting could fade, the palace resonated with a thunderous sound, releasing a surge of overwhelming energy that scattered the surrounding clouds, revealing an awe-inspiring sight that held them all in rapt attention.

Startled, everyone's eyes widened in shock.

"Our little sister has broken through to the Divine Sea Realm!"

"She surged past five stages in one go!"

Their faces were painted with thick hues of admiration as they beheld the marvel unfolding before them.

"Oh, the Divine Sea Realm! There are still a few among us brothers who haven't reached it yet!" A young man adorned in cloud-patterned robes exclaimed.

"It's truly deserving of the sole Divine Sea Pill available in the entire Azure Spirit Sword Sect. Such a lavish initiation gift!" Another young woman in a blue skirt remarked, her eyes twinkling with amazement.

The Divine Sea Pill, an absolute treasure for cultivators in the Dragon Spring Realm. It expanded the Dragon Spring, allowing one to bypass years, even decades of arduous cultivation, reaching the Divine Sea Realm in a single day.

Someone sighed deeply, "Only those in the Dragon Spring Realm, who have amassed sufficient spiritual energy, can withstand such a rapid ascent in cultivation stages. Attempting this in the Divine Sea Realm could lead to instability."

"It's a top-tier Comet grade pill, after all! What could possibly surpass that?" another chimed in. In the Azure Spirit Sword Sect, whether it was pills, Sword Souls, Sword Techniques or Daoist Spells, anything labeled top-tier Comet grade was regarded as the epitome of excellence.

Even the most talented disciples of the First Sword Venerable would find themselves fortunate to possess a low-tier Comet grade pill during their initiation.

"The strongest sword talent truly deserves this unprecedented grand initiation ceremony," the young man in cloud-patterned robes remarked, a hint of envy lacing his words.

"I'm already anticipating the terrifying prowess Junior Sister Jiang will display at the competition..." The lady in the blue skirt chuckled, her smile a blooming flower amidst the celestial scenery.

At that moment, the palace doors swung open, revealing a young woman dressed in a white sword robe. Her long hair was tied back in a simple yet elegant style, and her demeanor was calm and aloof, akin to the misty clouds that adorned the sky.

With eyes deep as the ocean, harboring whirlpools of profound thoughts and wisdom, she stepped forward, an aura of unparalleled grandeur emanating from her. A single Divine Sea Pill had given her wings to soar to celestial heights, heralding the advent of a new legend within the ranks of the Azure Spirit Sword Sect.

"He's also among the competitors, probably preparing for the battle. He should return before the commencement tomorrow," the youth replied.

"What about Sister Yao? She said she would come to see me, but there has been no news?" Jiang Yue said, her tone laced with a hint of puzzlement.

"I've heard that Swordking Ye's younger brother met his end on the Heavenly Path. She must be busy investigating to provide an explanation to Swordking Ye, right?" The woman in the blue skirt explained with tender concern.

"Ye Guao?" Jiang Yue's voice carried a hint of surprise. Only after her arrival at the First Sword Peak did she learn of the child's unfortunate demise on the Heavenly Path.. "The perpetrator hasn't been found yet?"

"It seems not," came a reluctant reply.

"Oh." Jiang Yue cast her gaze towards the fog-laced horizon, thoughts drifting towards Ye Guying, her eyes a mix of anticipation and bitterness. "During the Eight Swords Conclave, will Senior Brother Ye return to witness my performance?" She bit her crimson lip, a slight grievance flickering in her eyes.

"Senior Brother Ye is currently at the Sea of Swords, carving history for Azure Spirit. Even the death of his brother hasn't brought him back..." The young man in the cloud robe paused, interrupted by the blue skirt maiden hastily reassuring, "Rest assured, Junior Sister Jiang. Swordking Ye is thinking of you. Perhaps he will soon retrieve the Azure Kite and rush back to witness your splendid performance at the crucial moment."

"Yes, yes," the young man in cloud robe chimed in with a smile that carried a note of agreement.

"Really?" Jiang Yue wasn't entirely appeased.

"Err..." A brief moment of awkwardness spread among the brothers and sisters, leaving them at a loss for words.

"I heard that Senior Brother Ye has a Dao Partner?" Jiang Yue suddenly dropped a bombshell, her gaze sweeping across the group, carrying a swirling undertow of emotions.

"This..." A shared look of bewilderment passed among the group.

The woman in the blue skirt gave a dry laugh before rushing to clarify, "Don't worry, Junior Sister Jiang. It was just a mere engagement promise, nothing formal. Moreover... it's already ended."

"Is that so?" Jiang Yue pursed her lips, her gaze settling on the blue skirt woman. "I meant no offense. I just think that a person as lofty as Senior Brother Ye wouldn't suit the ordinary riffraff."

"Exactly!" Laughter rippled through the group.

Jiang Yue, with her status in the Divine Sea Realm, exerted a certain pressure on them, making their presence feel somewhat overpowering. The girl blessed by the heavens, who wouldn't tread carefully around her? Her future seemed even more promising than Ye Guying's.

"Junior Sister Jiang, I heard that the Rank Four Sword Inheritance Stone has arrived. Would you like to test it first to have a better sense of what's to come?" the young man in the cloud robe ventured, attempting to lighten the atmosphere.

"Will it cause a big commotion?" Jiang Yue asked nonchalantly.

"With your Sword Soul, it's bound to shake the Azure Spirit again, illuminating the world with its brilliance," he exclaimed with genuine admiration.

"Oh?" Jiang Yue shot him a playful glance. "Test it now, and what suspense will be left for the Eight Sword Conclave tomorrow?"

The young man in the cloud robe was momentarily stunned, realization dawning upon him. It seemed this woman knew even better how to play her cards right!

"I've heard that Master has invited strong Cultivators from various paths. There's even a bigwig from the Sea of Swords attending the Eight Swords Conclave. Imagine the spectacle when you ascend the First Sword Peak once again and test your Sword Soul with the Rank Four Sword Inheritance Stone at that time..."

The collective imagination of the group buzzed with excitement.

All they could feel was envy, nothing but envy!

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