Dream star is an agricultural planet, where 95% of the land is covered by vegetation. The remaining 5% was used to build a huge airport for transport ships to dock, and incoming and outgoing spacecraft to replenish supplies before they go.

Dino, an employee of the airport, was always conscientious in his work, but lately, he was somewhat distracted. Almost every few minutes he would use his tablet to check for the latest news.

“Dino, are you looking for the news about the Marshal again?” Dino’s colleague approached with a lunch box and asked while handing it to him.

Dino nodded with the tablet in his hand as a sweet looking host broadcasted Marshal Zhao Lingyu’s latest situation.

“It has been three months since the Marshal was injured. The Federal Research Institute and the Federal Medical headquarters are still helpless towards the Marshal’s injury, while those concerned about the Marshal’s injury have written more than 7.65 billion letters inquiring about his well being on the Internet…”

Seeing Dino’s sad face, his colleague understanding his fear, patted him on shoulder, “Dino, the Marshal is a good man, he’ll be fine.”

“Yeah, the Marshal will be

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