Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 71 - Night In The Forest

Julian is currently talking to a man in a white suit near Professor Oak's laboratory.

Salesman "Sir Julian as you have requested this house if the nearest to Professor Oak's laboratory and it's spacious so you don't need to worry about guest visiting and the back yard is a huge free space which is nither owned by the government or anyone so you can find many pokemons visiting there" ​​

Julian "I really like this place, I will buy it"

Salesman "Excellent choice Sir Julian, let's go back to our office to sign some legal documents and the house is yours"

Julian "Great"

Julian went with the salesman to do all the procedure and legal works, after finishing everything and paying the price he came back to his new house which was empty inside.

Julian "Now I have to buy some furniture, until then I would have to stay at the lab"

Julian went to the lab and found Professor Oak sitting on the couch and watching TV, as always he was watching Kanto Now news channel.

Host "The Pokemon league committee has finally announced that the winner of this year's Pokemon League Julian has finally decided to battle the elite four, and the first battle will be at the Indigo Stadium and Julian will be battling against Lorelei who is a member of the elite four and is an Ice-type pokemon expert, all the seats for this match has already been booked, everyone is excited about this battle, the internet is blown away by debate of the fans about who will triumph over other"

Julian walks towards the couch and sits down.

Oak "How is your new house?"

Julian "I like it, it's pretty spacious and the backside of the house has a huge field so I don't have to worry about my pokemons not having a place to stay"

Oak "I see, so are you ready for your next battle"

Julian "Yes I am"

Oak "Do you remember that GS ball I was talking about?"

Julian "Yes I remember you wanted it, If I am right it should be in Orange Islands"

Oak "Well at first I thought of sending you to bring it but since you are busy I sent Ash"

Julian "I see, well it will provide him with some experience"

Oak "Yes you are right"

Julian "Professor I will be heading out then, I need to train my pokemons"

Oak "Sure"

Julian goes to the field outside and brings out Snorlax from his Pokeball, Snorlax comes into Julian's vision as he sees that Snorlax is still sleeping.

Julian 'When Snorlax is sleeping he tends to ignore every noise around him so if I want to make him fight in a battle, I think I should command him telepathically'

Julian [Snorlax]

Snorlax who was sleeping soundly suddenly opens his eyes and yawns while rubbing his eyes then looks at Julian and waves his hand at him.

Julian 'Great, so Snorlax can listen to me if I command him telepathically, now let's do some training'

Julian "Ok Snorlax now that you have woken up let's do some training and I will give you some delicious food to eat"

Snorlax suddenly gets on his feet and jumps around happily as he makes the ground below him quiver, Julian for the next few hours train with Snorlax and leave his rest of the pokemons to do their own training, while training with Snorlax Julian bonds with Snorlax very well.

After training Julian gives Snorlax to eat his full and the next second he goes to sleep. seeing this Julian sighs and goes back to his room.

As he enters his room he hears a beep inside his head.

System 'Project Mewtwo has been modified, failed to remove side effects caused by the extraction of DNA'

Julian 'Why did it fail?'

System 'Extracting a single DNA and multiplying it is not possible, forcefully continuing this process will lead to may side effects and will not unlock the full potential of its parent genes, this is the reason why Mewtwo always suffer from emotional distortion which is a fatal flaw'

Julian 'Looks like I cannot help Mewtwo at all, it's better for it to hide from the people and especially Giovanni, I know he won't give up on Mewtwo, well I won't interfere with it this time as I already know Giovanni is just digging his own grave by looking for Mewtwo'.

Julian 'I think I should head out tomorrow towards Victory Road'.

Next day Julian says his goodbye to Professor Oak and rides away towards Viridian forest as he wants to explore even deeper into the forest this time.

Julian arrives at Viridian forest and goes deeper into the forest to search for new pokemons he can find there.

Julian 'Last time I came here I found few pokemons which are not native to Kanto, let's see if I find something which will grab my interest'

After riding for some time he reaches the part of the forest where he had fought the Ursaring, he looked around and didn't find it, he thought they changed territory so he continued to travel forward.

Julian was now currently disappointed as he didn't find any new pokemons, as it was already about to be dusk he decided to camp right there, he asked his pokemons to scout the area to see if it is safe, after getting the ok signal he proceeded to set up the camp and prepare food for himself.

As he was cooking he suddenly felt something staring at him, he turned around to see a pair of glowing eyes were staring at him from the bushes, he became alert as well as his other pokemons, suddenly the thing inside the bush pulled out its head and when Julian saw it he was relieved.

Julian "Mew, where have you been all this day?"

It was actually Mew who came out of the bushes and floated towards Julian and sat on his shoulder at it looked at the food Julian was making.

Julian "I see, you came to see me because you want to eat this"

Mew nodded its head happily then it started to float around Julian.

Julian "Well you cannot eat this as it is my food, here take this I made them especially for you"

Julian took out a bag filled with poke blocks he made especially for Mew, Mew smelled it with its tiny nose and the next second it started to eat it happily, after eating it went and greeted Julian's other pokemons as they play around with it.

Julian smiled seeing this then looked up in the sky to see that the stars were out so he decided to end the day as he dosed of inside his tent.

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