“His Majesty called me?”

“Yes. Duke.”

The attendant responded with a bowed head politely.

“Roxana, will you go with me?”

The reason why the emperor called the duke was probably to discuss political affairs.

But before I could say no, the attendant quickly interrupted.

“I’m sorry, but His Majesty only called you.”

“Is that so?”

The duke frowned.

However, the servant still kept his composure with his head down.

There was still time before the trial began.

However, he hesitated, unable to take a step easily, as if he was concerned about me being left alone.

Then, the servant opened his mouth again to encourage him.

“Your Excellency, His Majesty is waiting for you.”

“I’ll go inside first. It’s okay.”

“Keep the guards with you. I’ll be back soon, but if anything happens, call me right away.”

The duke glanced at the Crown Prince, not at me.

He must have said it with him in mind.

At this, the Crown Prince laughed incredulously.

Soon after, the duke followed the attendant with a disgusted face, and I too tried to go inside with the knights he had left behind.

But the Crown Prince stopped me.

“Are we not done talking yet?”

The duke’s knights immediately stood in the way between him and me.

Then, the Crown Prince’s escort knights shouted, ready to draw their swords at any moment.

“Outrageous! How dare you stand in front of His Highness the Crown Prince!”

It was similar to before, but the situation was different.

The imperial palace was different from the duke’s residence.

We couldn’t fight armed battles in the imperial palace anyway, so putting aside the fact that our knights were outnumbered, nothing good would happen if we made a fuss in the prince’s realm.


As soon as the Crown Prince raised his hand, his knights retreated.

He came slowly and stood in front of me.

“Really. Are you going to go all the way?”

The Crown Prince asked me with a complicated face.

“Your Highness must be aware that we have come too far to turn back, right?”

“No. It’s not too late. We’re young, so there’s plenty

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