Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 366 Xuan Wu Legacy: Bloodhound Guardian Array!


The system responded with a mechanical tone, [2291 points...]

While the system rattled off details, Zhang Wei's thoughts fixated on the Bloodbound Guardian Array.

It wasn't just any formation; it was a invitation to the netherworld, capable of summoning evil spirits that could trace the essence of a person from mere belongings. He recalled the ancient texts describing it: a whirlwind of shadows and ethereal hounds, unleashed from hell itself, each sniffing out the soul's scent to cast a protective shroud over the owner.

'Bloodbound Guardian Array, I plan to cast it,' he declared, a tinge of determination in his voice.

[Host, the knowledge from Xuan Wu might not suffice... You also need the equivalent strength]

An inward chuckle echoed through Zhang Wei's mind. 'I remember seeing Qi Replenishment pills. What about them? If I consume those, strength won't be an issue.'

The system's reply came with a hint of caution, [...How many would you consume? Casting the array requires tenfold your current strength. Do you intend to swallow ten vials at once?]

Zhang Wei's response was laced with confidence. 'My body can bear far more. With the wisdom of the Medical God and the Emperor of Darkness, what can't I achieve?'

In his mind's eye, he saw himself resurrecting the fallen, snatching lives back from the jaws of death itself.

This was the source of his newfound calm, the reason behind his seemingly carefree demeanor. He was no longer a novice in the arts of cultivation; he was a confluence of two great legacies, armed with knowledge that could defy fate itself.


Name: Qi Essence Pill

Description: These pills are unassuming, small, and round, with a plain white color. Qi Essence Pills are the entry-level choice for cultivators seeking a quick boost of energy. They are made from common medicinal herbs and contain a modest amount of Qi essence. While not as potent as higher-grade elixirs, they provide a basic and affordable solution for replenishing Qi during training or battles.

A surge of energy erupted within him, blazing like a sunburst. His body trembled, besieged by the raw, untamed power of the Qi. His face, a canvas of intense focus, betrayed his inner battle to harness this storm, drawing upon his deep well of medicinal knowledge.


He bit into his finger, and a single drop of his blood fell to the parched earth, sizzling upon contact, as if the very ground recognized the potency of his sacrifice. The incantation began, his voice a resonant timbre that melded with the desert air, ancient words weaving through the stillness.

Lisa, a mere mortal in the face of such otherworldliness, watched, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and fascination. "What in the world...?" Her thoughts scrambled to grasp the reality unfolding before her. "Is this...magic? Or something far beyond?"

The earth vibrated beneath their feet, a primal growl reverberating through the air.

"Grrrr... Roooooar!"

From the sands arose the spectral bloodhound, its form a shimmering mirage of violet hues, eyes ablaze with a demonic red. It sniffed the clothes, then released a haunting howl that pierced the air, "Awooooo!"

Behind it trailed a procession of spirits, their whispers and laughter a ghostly chorus carried by the wind.


With the swiftness of a shadow, the hound and its spectral companions vanished into the sky, embarking on their hunt.

Slighty exhausted, Zhang Wei's face was drained of color, but his eyes shone with a triumphant glint.

He turned to Lisa, noting her astonishment. "What you've just witnessed," he said, his voice weary but firm, "is a spectacle few have seen. An ancient and formidable protective ritual."

Lisa, still in the grip of disbelief, found her voice, quivering but awed. "I... I never knew such things existed."

A wry smile played at the corners of Zhang Wei's mouth, hidden from the world, an intimate secret shared only with his inner thoughts, 'It's a formation, not a ritual,' he mused silently to himself.

He had uttered the word "ritual" deliberately, a test to gauge the depth of Lisa's knowledge about the mystical practices of the Nithelia country.

The world was awash with whispered tales of ancient practices, some true, others mere myths. He wondered if she had ever brushed against these truths.

But Lisa's reaction, a blend of awe and bewilderment, laid bare her innocence. It was clear she had yet to truly encounter the other side of their world.Please visit π“ƒπ‘œvel𝒏𝑒xt.π’Έπ‘œπ”ͺ website to read fastest update

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