Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 781 Endings And Beginnings (Final Chapter)

Two months after Caleb’s miraculous return, after visiting all the packs and reassuring everyone that he was alive, the house was finally complete. He and Ashleigh wasted no time, moving in on their return from touring the territories.

Fiona had taken care of furnishing the entire home based on selections Ashleigh and Caleb had made before they left to visit the other packs.

As they toured the home, they were pleased by everything they found. They immediately felt at ease and comfortable with the colors and the designs.

They relaxed on the couch, facing the large window of the third floor. Caleb sat up while Ashleigh lay with her head on his lap. He absentmindedly stroked her hair as he talked about all they could do in the world.

Travel to beautiful places, visit the international packs Ashleigh had previously established alliances with, take a vacation, or go on another honeymoon.

Ashleigh chuckled.

“The first thing you want to do is take a vacation?” she asked.

Caleb laughed.

“It seems strange, doesn’t it?” he said. “I should be eager to return to work with how long I've been gone. But honestly, I’m not entirely sure what my role is now or should be.”

Ashleigh turned to look up at him, and he smiled down at her.

“I’m no longer Alpha,” he said, still smiling, “and for the first time, I can say that without faking this smile.”

Ashleigh smiled back up at him, reaching her hand up and touching his lips.

“I love that smile,” she whispered.

Caleb chuckled, leaning forward and kissing her lips briefly.

“I want to take some time for us,” he whispered. “I want to focus on just you for a little while.”

“Really?” she asked suggestively.

“Really,” he whispered back.

Ashleigh wrapped her arm around his neck and kissed Caleb tenderly. But as he started to deepen the kiss, she pressed her hand against his chest, pushing him away.

Caleb gave her a puzzled look, but Ashleigh just smiled.

“Do you really feel alright with how things have turned out?” she asked.

Caleb smiled and nodded.

“I regret nothing about my time as Alpha or about spending my life preparing to be Alpha,” he said. “I did what I could to lead Summer well and did a good job. But I think Galen is doing better.”

Ashleigh tilted her head, carefully observing him to decide if he meant it.

Caleb chuckled at her probing eyes.

“I mean it,” he said. “I am proud of what I did for Summer and even prouder of what my brother has done and what he will do in the future.”

Ashleigh smiled, feeling a warmth in her chest as she looked up at the man she loved. She had never seen such a contented look on his face before.

“So, you’d be alright with just picking up at taking off?” she asked. “Traveling the world, no permanent home. Moving from pack to pack, helping, training others, stopping the fae creatures from killing humans, or getting us all discovered?”

Caleb looked down at her.

“I’m okay with anything as long as I’m with you,” he said.

Ashleigh sat up and turned to look at him.

“It’s our life, Caleb,” she replied, “it can’t just be about me and what I want.”

“All three of them,” she replied with a happy smile, her eyes glistening with delight.

Caleb’s eyes widened as realization struck him.

“Wait…” he whispered.

Ashleigh’s smile grew as she watched him. Caleb pointed at her and licked his lips nervously.

“Yours?” he asked.

Ashleigh smiled and nodded.

“Mine,” he said, pointing to himself.

Ashleigh laughed and nodded.

He looked at her, his chest heavy with anticipation, his gaze lowered to her stomach.

“And…” he began, pointing gingerly at her stomach, then looking back into her eyes, “Are you….?”

Ashleigh laughed as she nodded her head.

“Like I said,” she began, “I’m not sure it’s the right time to travel—”

Caleb let out a howl of joy and excitement, interrupting her words as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her fervently.

From the day they had met, their lives had been turned upside down and inside out. Truths had become lies, and lies had been revealed as painful truths.

They had tried to deny their bond. They attempted to devote themselves only to the duty of their packs. But in the end, it was useless.

A false mate, the deaths of their fathers, war with an ancient enemy, and even years of separation could not dull their desire for each other or lessen the love they shared.

Caleb held Ashleigh in his arms, and as she nuzzled against his throat, he looked back on all they had been through. All they had suffered and lost and all they had gained.

It had been a long and painful road, but it all led to this moment, finally free of all their restrictions and misconceptions. No more secrets or lies. Only them and the life they had made together.

Caleb smiled and looked down at Ashleigh, who smiled back at him. He lowered his eyes to her stomach and gently touched it.

“You,” he whispered, then looked back up to Ashleigh, “and you.”

Ashleigh chuckled, and Caleb smiled.

“The two of you,” he continued, “I will devote the rest of my life to you both. I swear it.”

Ashleigh leaned forward, kissing Caleb’s lips softly.

“I love you, Caleb,” she whispered against his lips.

“I love you, Ashleigh,” Caleb whispered, pulling her body flush against his. “I always have.”

“And I always will,” Ashleigh smiled.

Surrendering themselves entirely to their desire and love, they spent days lost in the celebration and joy of the life they had found together.

When they finally emerged from their new home, they shared the joyful news with their family and pack.

Though they were no longer the Alpha and Luna, the birth of their son, Caede, three months later, was celebrated all through Summer.

The small family remained in the territories for the first years of Caede’s life. But eventually, they left to pursue the life they dreamed of and to introduce their son to the wide world that awaited him.

Over the years, they explored the world, making new allies and enemies. Creating memories and building bridges between communities. Eventually, they found what they were looking for, a way to become a part of the changing world.

But no matter how long they were gone or how far they had traveled, they always returned home.

To the place where their story had begun.

~ The End ~

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