My Evil Stepson System

Chapter 237 237. Dimensional Travel.

Sasha instantly turned to her back but suddenly felt her lips locked with her fiance.

Her eyes widened but after noticing it was Kevin in front of her, She relaxed a bit and wrapped her arms around Kevin's neck before diving her tongue deeper into Kevin's mouth.

A few minutes later and their lips parted with both of them smiling and breathing heavily as they stared at each other eyes.

"You're back,"


"To be honest, I feared you would miss your own wedding but seeing you here now, I'm glad you're back,"

Kevin tugged her closer before wrapping his arms to give Sasha a hug. The two of them remained in that position for several minutes, not minding the presence of others around them as they solely indulge in the warmth of the other in front of them.

When he was done, Kevin heads straight to the kitchen to greet another of his woman..

"Miss, I think you should take a break," The head chef advised, with the other chefs in the room all nodding their heads in approval and support of what the head chef suggested.

But Vanessa wasn't in the mood to listen to the words coming out of the head chef.

Although, she knew he was right about what he suggested and she appreciated his kind words but unlike every other woman getting married to Kevin tonight, Vanessa felt she's the only one not doing enough to prove to everyone that she was also worthy of being called the King's wife.

Vanessa doing this much should be enough for the doubter to acknowledge her in the least.

"Please Milady, I think you should take a break. I don't think the king will be happy to see you in this state especially when the wedding is tonight," The head chef added and a voice sounded from the kitchen entrance, startling everyone close to the entrance.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm "I agree,"

In a certain spot in the world, a huge cry of battle could be heard raging on from this specific part of the world.

A huge wholphin suddenly sprung out of the ocean with its razor sharp teeth armed and ready to attack.

Underneath the large fish were several mermen holding a shining silver trident in their hands before aiming and firing it straight up at the large fish.

The wholphin cried out in agony before having the pleasure of feasting on the bunch of mermen that were near it.

The screams and cries for help laid rampart but there was only a little their comrades could do against such a formidable foe like the demonic wholphin.

And if not for the participation of two goddess in their battle currently battling their foes, things would have probably had worsen for the entire species of mermen.

The king of the mermen watched as hundreds and thousands of his men screamed and cried for help with hundreds more injured across the flanks of the huge demonic creature.

He dived into the water before inhaling a huge chunk of water.

And with his mind made up of what his next course of action was going to be, the king flapped his huge fish tail before launching his way straight to large demonic sea creature.

The king flew out of the ocean and his huge fish tail suddenly changed shape into that of a human with small angelic feathers sprouting out of his ankles to provide balance in the air.

The king held his golden trident tighter before tossing the huge weapon straight into the wholphin eyes.

It managed to pierce into one of its eye before the creature dived right back into the ocean, but that was so far the most aggravating injury they had inflicted on the creature with there being no sign of replicating such an attack.

Meanwhile, at a distance not too far away from where the battle against the wholphin took place, another intense battle was going on here but unlike that of the wholphin where several mermen were up against the wholphin, in this part of the ocean, it was only Dahlia against a huge demonic orca.

The demonic killer whale launched itself out of the water in rage as it aimed its countless sharp teeth towards Dahlias.


A/N:- Thank you for reading this far. Please, keep supporting the novel. Your power stones and golden tickets really goes a long way in encouraging me to keep writing. I'll release between five to ten chapters if we can reach 20 golden tickets before the end of the month.


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