Chapter 26: Break-up call

"I'm going out, but I will be right by the doors. So, if anything happens, just call and I will come," I spoke through the length of the small corridor that separated the living room from the bathroom. And without waiting for a word of opposition or acceptance, I grabbed my cheap-ass phone and walked outside before securing the doors with a lock.

It was better if Fay wouldn't be burdened with the heavy call I was about to make.

'This is for the better. I clung to this relationship because it was the only semblance of affection I found. But now that I have this portal...'

Even before I could dial the number, my eyes moved back to where I came from, to where I could see, with the eyes of my imagination, the middle point of my run-down shed.

The theoretical origin of the portal that I had under my command.

'I'm not switching to a better woman as soon as I found one. I'm just ending what, in my soul, I always knew to be just a hoax. After hearing what I managed to hear, this relationship was over anyway.

All that was left now, was to put it to a quick end so that I could move on and focus on things that I was far more happier participating in.

Truth be told, if not for Fay or her parent, it would be the mobster I met who showed me the greatest compassion since the day my mother died. I knew he did so only as an investment in a future asset...

'Oh how sad my life was, for me to consider this sort of relationship to be an improvement,' I allowed myself a moment of self-pity over the state my former mentality brought me to. Then, I raised my phone and dialed one of the very few numbers saved in it. 'Would my life change along with the change of my mindset even if I didn't get this ability to open the portal?' I thought while starting the call and raising the phone to my ear.

A mere two signals later, my dear girlfriend's voice came through.

"Peter! I've been trying to reach you since forever!" Cassie's voice was disturbed as if she was in the middle of some sort of a tunnel... or a crowded, indoor area.

'Right, I didn't really check my phone ever since the portal appeared,' I thought, brought to my senses by the valid point Cassie brought up.

"Sorry for that, stuff happened," I replied as coldly as I did shortly, taking a short breath and stabilizing my heart to prepare for what I was about to say next.

"I'm actually about to..."

And before Cassie could insert even a single word of protest, question, or anything else...

"Well, I don't exactly want to hear your voice anymore, so let's just end this farce and move on. Don't call me again."

I ended the call without letting Cassie speak up even once, proving how petty I was in reality.

But what was the point of listening to her excuses? Her accusations? Or whatever she would figure out to be the best form of damage control at the moment? What good would come from listening to her?

'I have more pressing matters to attend to than a fake girlfriend that played on my feelings,' I spelled out those words in my thoughts. Then, I took a deep breath and casually turned around, ready to get back into my shed.

As I opened the doors, my phone rang. And judging by the slightly different tune of the song that my phone started playing out, it was Cassie calling me back.

"Aaaannndd... muted," I whispered under my nose while putting my phone into airplane mode. The connection between my phone and the global network broke, instantly cutting the call without any need for me to drop it manually.

'Now then,' I thought, opening the doors and getting inside... Only to see Fay wrapped in the soft fluff of the brand-new towel I bought for her. Obviously, the towel was too narrow to cover the entire length of her legs and chest, making her expose herself up to the half of her thighs and then from roughly the upper third of her impressive chest up.

My eyes lingered on her charms for a second, instantly providing fuel to the fire in my groins that the break-up talk just now seemingly extinguished. And as my eyes moved up, scanning every detail of Fay's slim waist, healthy figure, supple bosom, and then her adorable, slightly puzzled face...

"Peter... okay?" Fay asked in a low, unsteady voice while making a single, reluctant step toward me.

A few droplets of water dropped down from her skin and down to the ground. Yet, judging by how few of them they were, Fay actually had to be out of the bath for quite some time by now.

'I wonder if she heard the call, and if she did, then how much?' I thought, realizing that my attempts at keeping Fay away from my private problems were not as effective as I assumed they would be.

While making the calculations for this plan, I failed to include how Fay's animal qualities could give her senses far keener than that even the most sensitive human could ever hope to achieve!

"I'm okay," I muttered in response, reaching out to pat Fay's wet, fluffy hair. And by doing so, I remembered what I'd talked with the girl before leaving to make the call. As the perspective of the potential future appeared before the eyes of my mind, a small smile formed on my lips...

Only for the worry at the bottom of Fay's eyes to vanish without a trace.

"I was supposed to wash your hair, wasn't I?" I muttered, eager to move on from Fay's desire to ask me out about the talk I just had. "Do you want me to do it, or..."

"Yes!" Fay spoke decisively and without even a hint of hesitation. She even reached out and grabbed my other hand, only to bring it up to her head and then place it down on its top. "Fay wants Peter to groom Fay!"Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.π’Έπ‘œπ”ͺ website to read fastest update

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