Supreme Monarch

Chapter 415 Chapter 415. What happens Next

Chapter 415 C415. What happens Next

After the arrest of a majority of the Jaxith family's Elders, including a considerable portion of the ministers who were the heads of various divisios responsible for running the entire region, the situation in the Floato region began to shift from bad to worse as words of the arrest of indispensable heads of state rapidly spread around the entire region like wildfire.

Despite the desperate attempts of the Jaxith family to prevent this, it seems one of the corrupted families had been responsible for spreading the news in an attempt to foster doubts in the hearts of the citizens of the Floato region, causing them to lose what was left of their fate in the Jaxith family's leadership abilities.

As such, riots and crimes within the cities under these nobles protection l, including here in the capital, had increased significantly in the past few days, stretching the forces of the Jaxith family and its remaining nobles thin and throwing the entire region in chaos.

While it would be a lot easier to placate these riots and crime spree with force, doing anything that would significantly alienate the masses in their current situation, considering they were still at war with their surrounding neighboring regions— was the epitome of a bad idea.

If the masses chose to revolt against them, the Great Five will no doubt use it as an excuse to directly invade the Floato region. As such, they had no choice but to attempt to resolve the issue the best they could.

As though to make matters worse, this situation had unfortunately led to the disappearance of multiple innocent young demonesses' within the capital city.

The work of the Dark Order no doubt. With the Jaxith family's forces stretched so thin, it was impossible to prevent these kidnappings from happening and it seems the Dark Order are hell bent on taking full advantage of this opportunity.

Reynald sighed heavily as he perused the report in front of his desk. His eyes felt heavy and his head ache just thinking about the mess their family was currently in.

After finding out the true nature of his family's secret, he could understand why his mother had been so against any talks of vassalage until now.

Still, that did not improve their current predicament in the slightest, especially if the Demon Lord of the Darknar family does not turn out to be who his mother thinks he is.

While the investigations of the families on the list given to them by the emissary were progressing rather smoothly, the results did not hold well for their family as a majority of the ruling class high-ranking landed nobles and their families were being found guilty of multiple crimes, including treason. An unpardonable offense punishable by death.

Reynald felt that with the way things were progressing, ever single name on that list would be found guilty of treason and be sentenced to death, leaving their territories completely unprotected from both bandits and monsters.

Although the terms of vassalage with the Darknar. family would include protection against the other ruling class nobles, Reynald didn't think a recently established family like them, with only a single city to their name could offer the help they needed to stabilize their control over these vulnerable territories within their region.

At the very least, they would no longer have to worry about any interference from outside forces or spies from the inside, which was most likely the reason why the emissary was insistent on a purge.

Reynald gently shook his head as he decided there was no point in dwelling on things he couldn't change. He quickly went through the remaining reports on the investigations.

Each elder and noble had their own army that was extremely loyal to them so investigation on their territories wasn't easy given the lack of influence of his mother over her nobles in recent times.

The one leading the investigations to avoid any issues was the Captain of the Knights who was also assisted by his sister's pet guard, Bam. It was only thanks to those two that everything was going this smoothly else a coup d'etat might've been formed.

Most of these were freaking Lord Class monsters and magic beasts with the rest being Advanced class. Each one of those creatures was enough to flatten an entire town and a few of them could completely trample an entire city yet there were currently thousands of them.

They were creatures of different shapes and sizes, types and breeds. Some of these creatures could not even cohabitate with each other yet here they were charging together.

No one could understand why this had happened and how. There were also not many people that would be capable of taking on so many magic beasts at once so it was understandable why the Hunters had failed as even Quantium ranked Hunters could not fight so many Lord Class monsters at a given time.

There was also not that many Quantium Ranked Hunter party in the Demon continent to begin with so how could such a force be stopped.

These were all desert creatures that could easily move in the hot and sandy terrain and for some reason, they had begun to charge in the direction of Sun city a few days ago. Before then, they had simply remained in a single spot, growing stronger just by sitting around and doing nothing for some reason.

The Brimstone family had also stealthily sent a specialist to investigate why this was happening but the only thing they could come up with was that the magic essence in the air at that particular location had changed somehow.

They had needed to drive the horde of monsters away to further investigate but hadn't even gotten around to it when this had happened.

Was it the earlier disturbance in time that startled them? Or was it the shockwave that shook the entire continent that had done it. Or was there another strange reason why over 4,000 Lord Class beasts were running straight for the capital city of the Taine ze region.

These were all questions that ran through the minds of the elders when they had been discussing the proper way to handle this problem before their precious city of oasis would be trampled to the ground.

"Woah... That's a lot of monsters~ hehe... how scary~"

The still air rippled with sounds as silent vibrations carried the milky soft voice across the distance to their intended target.

Those words had originated from the mouth of the figure that had just appeared behind the massive frame of an aged man that seamlessly floated in the air several meters away from the horde of approaching beasts.

Standing at an impressive height of 6 feet 5 inches, he had short white hair with slight streaks of red running through it. An eye patch ran across his left eye.

He had a neatly trimmed beard of white and wore an extremely luxurious red and white robe that gave off an imposing aura. His fingers were adorned with several rings of insane value, one could not begin to comprehend the worth of any single one of them.

His scarlet eyes pierced through the distance as he observed the approach of the rampaging horde with a stoic expression on his face.

"Why are you here?"

His cold words was directed at the figure that had only just appeared behind him. She had worn an hooded cloak but chose to pull back the hood when she was addressed by none other than, the Great Demon Lord of the Brimstone family, Malik Vyle Brimstone.

The hooded figure broke into a fit of laughter, the voice was a little high pitched and sweet, she removed the hood revealing the figure of a young woman in her early twenties, she had a pretty face and doll like eyes, with short silver hair and a carnivore's predatory gaze.

Despite the overwhelming pressure that distorted the space around the Great Demon Lord himself, a pressure that would suffocate any demon that tried to approach him even the elders. Yet this figure seem completely unaffected as her demeanor remained one of a mischievous child playing a prank.

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