Chapter 224


As she pushed the wheelchair towards the library, Yuna opened her mouth cautiously.

“He was a very peculiar senior.”

As soon as she said that, Yuna quickly swallowed her breath as if she was surprised by her own words.

“No, I mean! I’m not talking behind his back, what I mean is…”

“I know, what you mean. Lyle senior is a bit strange.”

Actually, I had some idea why Yuna reacted like that.

It was in the same context as when Lee Ye-eun, a member of the World Tree clan, freaked out whenever she saw Cass Lyle.

People who were close to nature or had a sensitive sense of energy, like the World Tree clan, would feel a sense of discomfort and instinctively avoid Cass Lyle, who was not a human but a Homunculus.

To explain a bit more, Ivan Hunt probably didn’t like Cass Lyle either, even though he didn’t show it openly.

Similarly, Yuna, who had an excellent detection ability as shown by the fact that she was the only one who noticed Yoon Seul-hye’s mischief, also felt a sense of discomfort from Cass Lyle.

She was already shy, so she would be more reluctant to deal with him.

“So, this is not talking behind his back, but just saying…”

Yuna glanced at me and opened her mouth carefully.

“You know, that Yoon Seul-hye girl…”

I thought she was going to say that she was too harsh, or that she should apologize.

The impression she had given me so far was that of a… a bit of a masculine expression, but a squirrel or a hamster-like, harmless and fluffy one.

And my expectation was soon crushed.

“I should have just slapped her then.”


“It’s a good opportunity, let’s talk about us.”

Yuna looked at me with an expression of displeasure.

It was a refreshing experience to look up at her, who was a head shorter than me, when I usually looked down at her.

At that moment, in my head, I suddenly remembered that squirrels, despite their cute appearance, were threatening enough to disrupt the ecosystem in foreign countries, and that hamsters, when stressed, would attack not only their own kind, but even their own offspring.

“You, you knew what she was trying to do, but you still gave her your hand, right?”

“Uh, yeah. But that was just…”

“It’s not just, don’t you forget that you’re a patient now? And a critical one at that.”

Yuna began to scold me in a stern voice.

“At least, when you get a vaccination, you postpone it if your body condition is not good. But can you say that your body condition is good now, even as a joke? In that situation, what did you trust and reach out your hand for? Especially in this situation where the association is eagerly looking for a chance to mess with you! What are you going to do if something really goes wrong!”


I couldn’t say anything to refute her, as everything she said was true.

“And who is your caretaker now, Ji Hyuk? Tell me with your mouth.”



“…You, Yuna.”

“Right, I’m your caretaker now.”

Yuna nodded her head and continued to talk as if she was scolding a child.

“I took care of you from your sister Lee Ye-eun senior, and you agreed to it too. I accepted it too. Then, at least when I’m your caretaker, I have a duty to be responsible for your safety, to protect you and watch over you. And you have to listen to me too. You agree with that, right?”


I nodded my head silently, and Yuna sighed softly.

“But you act like you always do, don’t you think how upset I get? I’m already worried that I might make a mistake, or that you might get hurt because of my incompetence…”

“…I’m sorry, I’ll be careful from now on.”

I felt a sense of guilt as I was scolded by a much younger child.

Especially since everything she said was right, I had no excuse.Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update


Yuna nodded her head as if she was pleased, and then walked back and pushed the wheelchair carefully.

“Um… I said we should go to the library, right?”

“Uh, should we just not go…?”

“Huh? No, it’s okay to go to the library.”

She answered and whispered in a small voice.

She probably didn’t want me to hear it, but I could hear it clearly.

“Did I say something too harsh…?”

I just pretended not to hear and kept my mouth shut.


And for a moment, we didn’t say anything.

Just when I thought it was getting cold, Yuna spread a blanket over my lap.

I opened my mouth without realizing it.

She waved her hand at my words.

“It’s okay. I can do it by myself, and it’s not nice to ask a patient to do that.”

She said that and spat out a sound of annoyance.

“Besides, I don’t want to bother you when you’re dating.”

“That’s not it, senior.”

Yuna quickly denied it, and she tilted her head.

“Oh, really…? I guess I misunderstood, sorry.”

She apologized in a plain tone and stretched her back with a groan.

“Anyway, I’ll let you know when the library is operating normally.”

“Yes, thank you for your hard work, senior.”

We left the library that was severely collapsed behind us.

When we got away from the library and couldn’t see her anymore, Yuna looked around and asked me.

“So where do you want to go now?”

“Um… wait a minute.”

I wanted to go to the library to deal with the requests or quests that I had postponed when I was uncomfortable and had nothing to do.

But as I saw earlier, it would take at least a month or two for the library to operate properly…

‘Should I stop by the archery club?’

I shook my head right away.

There were people who were no different from Lee Ye-eun’s followers in the archery club, so it was obvious that she would hear that I had stopped by the club.

Besides, there was Kang Yun-kyung, who was directly asked by Lee Ye-eun, in the archery club.

I didn’t need to provoke Lee Ye-eun, so I thought it would be better to avoid going there until I was fully recovered.

Then, should I meet Lev Dunkinson, the student council president, and get some information about Yoon Seul-hye?

He had a fast brain and a heavy mouth, and he owed me a favor, so I thought I could easily find out the truth about her.

I was about to tell Yuna to head to the student council room, when it happened.

“Huh? Ji Hyuk, what’s that?”


“That book. The one that’s stuck next to you.”

Yuna pointed to the book that was deep in the cushion of the wheelchair.

I pulled it out without thinking and gasped.

[You have acquired a nameless book.]

An item that had a system notification.

It was not an ordinary thing.

I opened it right away.

“Is it a notebook?”

Yuna, who looked at it with me from behind, said that.

As she said, there was nothing written in the book.

But I could tell that it was a more sinister thing than I had expected, by the notification that kept popping up in front of me.

[You are not qualified to read it.]

[The trait ‘The One Who Changes the World’ is applied.]

[The trait ‘Outsider’ is applied.]

[The trait ‘Seven Evil Species Slayer’ is applied.]

[You are not qualified to read it.]


I closed the book and stared at it.

I didn’t know what it was, or when it appeared.


[…I don’t know either.]

I took a quiet breath at his words.

I didn’t know, Spangle didn’t know, and neither did Yuna, who had a great sense of detection.

There was only one thing I could guess.

[Could it be, Ahriman…]

As Spangle was saying that, I felt the wheelchair stop.

I looked up to see what was going on, and I barely managed to hold back my frown.


Yoon Seul-hye.

She was standing in front of us, shivering as if she had been waiting.

“Do you have some time?”

She said in an awkward tone, and I heard Yuna make a sound of tongue-clicking.

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