The Dragon Seal

Chapter 5 - I Have My Ways

Augustus did not hesitate. He threw himself at Jeanne and tackled her to the ground.

"Augustus Cross, what are you doing?!"

Right after she spoke, a loud crash was heard as the tempered glass door behind them shattered!

Jeanne saw the large stone on the ground and went pale with fright.

Fortunately, Augustus saved her in time. Otherwise, even if she did not die, her head would have been split open!

Jeanne suddenly remembered what Augustus said to her before. There was a black mark on her Yintang, which was an omen of great misfortune.

Could he really be able to read fortunes?

Then, the security guards from Harrington Corporation arrived and quickly calmed the commotion.

"Jeanne, are you okay?"

Augustus helped Jeanne up from the ground. Although they avoided the stone, the rotten eggs smashed on his body, making him look very wretched.

Seeing Augustus like this, a touch of emotion flashed in Jeanne's heart.

"Thank you!"

Augustus's eyes lit up. Even though they were married for six years, Jeanne had always been lukewarm to him. This was the first time she said the words 'thank you' to him!

Jeanne turned to look at the patients again.

"Everyone, if you have any demands, we can sit down and discuss. Please don't resort to this kind of violence. You're breaking the law!"

"Who the hell are you trying to frighten? Your Harrington Corporation made fake medicine to harm people. Isn't that illegal too?"

"That's right. We ended up as miserable as this because we believed in Harrington Corp! Sob sob sob…"

"Harrington Corp, you heartless bunch!"

The patients cried out simultaneously, and the surrounding reporters kept snapping pictures.

Just as Jeanne became anxious and stumped for the next course of action, a voice suddenly sounded. "I can cure your illness!"

Hearing those words, everyone quieted down and looked over.

"Augustus, what are you doing?!"

Jeanne could not help but frown at Augustus.

Augustus smiled at her. "Don't worry, I have my methods."

Jeanne was stunned. For some reason, she suddenly felt that she could believe in this man.

Just then, a dark-skinned man in his fifties pointed at Augustus and said, "What do you mean?"

"It's simple. If I can cure your illness, then you have to stop causing trouble for Harrington Corp."

"But what if you can't cure us?"

"If I can't cure you, then not only will Harrington Corp compensate each of you one million, we'll also apologize in front of the media!"

Jeanne was stunned. She dragged Augustus aside and hissed, "Are you crazy? Who told you to do that? Are you trying to ruin the company?!"

There were at least thirty of these patients. If they paid one million to each of them, that was at least thirty million!

Even if it was Harrington Corporation, they could not get that much money at one go!

To think that she had almost believed his words just now. It seemed like he was still the same as before. He could not do anything right and was more likely to ruin everything!

The crowd at the scene was also in an uproar.

Those patients were even more unwilling to give Jeanne any chance to back out.

"Okay, we agree. Hurry up and start!"

"If you guys dare to back out, we'll destroy everything in your company!"

Jeanne sighed. What was said could not be unsaid. It was too late to regret now.

Augustus had already walked up to the patients and took their pulse one by one.

"He's just putting on airs!"

Jeanne scolded him in her heart.

"Are you really a doctor? If you can't treat us, hurry up and pay us!"

"That's right, hurry up and pay us! Don't waste our time!"

Augustus looked at the dark-skinned man in front of him and smiled coldly. "Don't worry, your condition will be cured soon!"

Then, he found an iron bar from the side and returned to the man.

"W-What are you doing?"

The man cowered.

Augustus smiled and replied, "I'm treating you, of course!"

Then, he swung the bar down at the man's legs.

However, the man dodged, and a hole formed on the concrete floor from the impact.

"Help! Harrington Corp is trying to kill me!"

The man screamed in horror.

Everyone around was scared witless. They did not expect such a scene to happen.

At that moment, the reporters raised their cameras and snapped pictures wildly. With such a great scoop, it was bound to make headlines!

Jeanne was so anxious that she almost fainted. She really wanted to kill Augustus now.

However, not only did Augustus not stop, he swung the iron bar at the man again.

Then, an unexpected scene occurred.

The originally paralyzed man dodged the iron bar nimbly. Then, he got up and ran away at the speed of a hundred meter sprint!

At the same time, the other patients also got up and fled.

They all looked strong and healthy. It did not look like they were patients at all.

The crowd was in an uproar. It turned out that those people were pretending!

Jeanne was dumbfounded. She finally realized that Augustus saw through everything from the beginning, which was why he used that method to treat them!

With Augustus's actions, the rumors that Harrington Corporation's new medicine was harmful would collapse.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you just now…"

In the office, Jeanne hesitated for a long time before finally speaking.

Augustus was stunned. Then, he smiled. "We're husband and wife. You don't need to apologize to me…"

"It's just in name!" Jeanne quickly clarified.

Augustus pursed his lips and did not say more.

Back then, Jeanne married Augustus because she was forced to, and they had Skylar due to a night of drunken impulses. Augustus had always felt guilty in his heart toward the woman in front of him and never dared to have any expectations.

Jeanne seemed to have noticed that her reaction was too strong, and the coldness in her expression softened slightly.

"I still have something to take care of later. I can't send you home."

"It's okay, I'll go back by myself."

Looking at Augustus's despondent figure as he left, Jeanne could not help but recall the scene of how he tackled her earlier.

His performance today really left an impression. It was like he became a different person.

For the first time in six years, she saw a flash of brilliance in this man.

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