Chapter 403 Recruit time

Presently, accompanied by Nina, Aizel reached the closest city to the Cherry Blossom Clan, known as Frostspire City.

The city was tucked away at the base of lofty, snow-capped mountains. Sturdy walls made of frost-imbued stone surround it, and sunlit ice carvings glisten like jewels.

The main entrance, guarded by sentinels clad in furs and silver, opens into cobbled streets lined with quaint shops and charming cottages.

A winter's hug marks the faces of the sturdy and close-knit Frostspire people, who are known to thrive in the cold.

To stay alive in the bitter cold, the locals have gotten creative, gathering food from the surrounding snowy wilderness and perfecting their survival techniques.

Work and community are two sides of the same coin in Frostspire. Children play in the snow-covered squares as their parents congregate around the crackling hearths in the evenings to tell stories.

The hardworking people go about their day maintaining herb gardens, making enchanted potions, and creating elaborate ice sculptures.

Built to endure the freezing temperatures, homes in Frostspire use a combination of insulated wood and stone. Peaked roofs let snow fall elegantly, and frosted designs adorn the windows.

Stews, roasted meats, and hot beverages are staples in the city's cuisine, which is perfect for braving the winter weather. Small restaurants with cozy fires and a heady scent of spices provide regional specialties like cold-water seafood and wild winter greens.

Shops abound in the market square, and they all have their special qualities. Blacksmiths create weapons from magical ice and local metals, and shops selling trinkets sell handcrafted talismans.

The herbalists offer frostbite remedies, while herb shops showcase a colorful assortment of hardy plants that can survive the cold weather.

Effortlessly, Nina had gathered all the essentials for the clan's remodeling and cleaning. They had also recruited laborers who, following some initial haggling, consented to carry out the renovations and repairs.

They didn't have to haggle over anything because Aizel had an infinite supply of gold coins. The workers, content with their deal, eagerly anticipated the upcoming tasks.

Those who beheld Aizel were astounded by the considerable wealth he possessed.

"Is there anything more we need now?" Aizel asked.

"Not for now; we have everything. Also, the workers will arrive at our clan after 2 hours." Nina replied.

"Then let's eat something, and then head back to the clan; it's too cold," Aizel said as he rubbed his arms in the warm long coat that he was wearing.

In the company of Nina, Aizel made his way to a quaint eatery. Succulent roasted meat and steamy stews were their orders.

While waiting for food to arrive, Aizel asked, "Why are there people living here in this weather?"

"There used to be a lot of people who joined our clan before. Along with families, friends, and some clan elders, they founded this city.

"The population was even more crowded before," Nina replied.

Aizel was able to understand what happened then.

At last, their meal came, and Aizel savored the smoky stew and roasted meat. Still, he couldn't help but spy a few people out of the corner of his eye.

He beheld the lightning badge insignia decorating their white-blue clothing.

[Master, I think they belong to a clan]

What the hell are they even doing here? As per Nina, Cherry Blossom is the only clan nearby."

[For now, Master, I think they are looking forward to rob you]

Hehe, they look pretty weak. This is good. Let's give this kid a little demonstration of our power. She will know who the real boss is."

[fufu, I am ready]

Upon completing their meal and settling the bill, Aizel and Nina exited the establishment.

On purpose, Aizel led them down a side street where there were fewer people. Sensing the presence of onlookers, Nina became nervous and clung tightly to Aizel as they proceeded.

Keeping a low profile, they quickly left the area and made their way back to their clan.

The workers eventually showed up after some time had elapsed within the clan. They started their work right away once Nina directed them.

Meanwhile, Aizel located a tree in the ground area, where he sat down with his thick tome.

He spent the following seven days studying and practicing, making several nighttime trips back to Rias's palace.

Yet, something was bothering Sekki. Aizel seemed to be getting closer and closer to Rias, a development that Sekki didn't appreciate.

While aware of his master's penchant for taking advantage, there was an unsettling feeling at night when they slept together. 

It was as if a witch queen were delicately guiding her victim.

A week later, the clan's renovation and repairs were complete. The transformation had turned the clan into a much-improved version, making it easier to recruit mages now.

As they looked over the hard workers' labor, Nina and Aizel stood with their arms crossed.

"Good Work,"

"Thank you, Master," Nina replied.

During those days, Nina had come to acknowledge Aizel's skills, strength, and connections.

She saw him easily defeat Thundering Clan mages, and she knew he wasn't weak; the queen's blessing only made her think more highly of him.

Nina started to be very persistent, calling him "master" and telling him how much she wanted to improve as a student.

Aizel and Sekki reluctantly came to the conclusion that it could be beneficial to have someone to command.

"Now comes recruiting mages," Aizel said.

"Yes Master,"

"So how should we do it? Do we have to put a recruitment board or flyer in the Frostspire City?" Aizel asked, rubbing his chin.

"NO! We can't recruit losers from there. You have to visit some big cities and towns, and need to recruit some good mages from there," Nina replied.

"Hmm… how can we do that? I mean we still can't compete against other clans in terms of resources for now."

"In that, I can help you both," Randalf arrived there, as he looked around the clan with a broad smile.

"With you, we can easily recruit and start our journey," he said, stroking his beard.

"How so?" Aizel asked, looking confused.

"You have to defeat some other mages from the clan infornt of him and show them the power of Cherry Blossom.

"The new younglings will easily get tricked with this method," Randalf explained.

Umm… it's not a bad idea," Aizel thought.

[Master, we have seen this trick in many novels too. We can pull this off]

"For that, we need to do something that can create a bigger impact. Only then, the others will even think about joining us," Aizel said.

"We need to plan carefully," Nina also said.

"HMMMM… I might have something in my mind, haven't done this type of thing in ages hoho…" Randalf replied.

"Old dwarf definitely thinking some nasty things, Master," Nina whispered to Aizel.

"As long as, it works, I am in," Aizel replied.

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