༺ Advent (1) ༻

Three days had flown by.

It was a period that was unexpected for Vera, but one that went according to plan for Renee.

Now, the two could finally look at each other wholeheartedly.

They were finally able to share their hearts with each other, bridging the subtle gap between them.

After all those moments had passed, they were walking down the street from the inn that they had been staying in.

The only thing out of the ordinary was Vera’s style.

He was currently fully covered in a robe, looking rather suspicious.

“You really don’t have to go that far…”

Renee pouted and crossed her arms with more force.

She knew very well that Vera was hiding his face because he was being playful.

It was a reminder of the mishap she had caused on their first day in Cernei due to her mistake.

“You’re seriously awful.”

“What do you mean?”

As Renee had expected, Vera’s voice was filled with laughter.

Renee sighed and then broke into a small smile.

She had to admit to the fact that she was pleased with Vera, who had fully revealed himself.

The three days had erased the hesitation that had lingered within him.

Now, Vera was no longer being submissive to her, which meant to Renee that their positions had become equal.

One could question whether a mere physical relationship should result in such a change.

However, all Renee could do was shrug her shoulders.

Whatever the case, the results remained the same.

“Vera, you’re too playful.”

“I don’t act like this with just anyone. You know that.”

“Well, you’re good with your words.”

Renee stuck close to Vera.

Her head rested on his shoulder.

Despite the significant height difference, it didn’t pose any problem for their walk.

“…We’re heading back now.”

“Yes. I hope there are no issues that need to be cleaned up.”

“Vera, you sound like a mom.”

“Could you at least call me a father?”

“Fathers are supposed to be cool, you know.”

Renee’s hand tickled Vera’s arm.

“You’re more cute than cool right now, so you’re not a father.”

Laughter escaped from Vera.

“To be a father, I need to be a cool person, huh?”

“Do you think you can do that?”

“Don’t you know me by now? I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.”

“Your confidence is unmatched.”

“I’m actually the person closest to being unmatched in the world.”

“Stop it. You’re being annoying.”

Renee looked like she was sick of it.

“For some reason, you don’t like losing an argument.”

“It’s something I learned from the Saint.”

“You’re not talking about your past life, are you?”

“You’re so shameless. Did you honestly forget what you did to me when we first met?”

Their first meeting.

Though the word itself made her heart flutter, recalling the moment evoked mixed emotions.

Renee had been lost in darkness, and Vera, as a servant of God, appeared before her.

She despised him and the God who led him to her.

That’s why she was very stubborn with him, but he approached her regardless.

That was the beginning.

Because he approached her, she could learn more.

In a world without light, she managed to grasp something more dazzling than anything else.Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

Renee smiled as she recalled these memories.

“Back then, you were rather insensible.”

“You didn’t seem to like it.”

“Hmm, I like you better now.”

They moved swiftly as they continued their conversation.

Their synchronized steps were light.

The rhythmic sound of her cane was cheerful.

“It was very enjoyable.”

Norn’s eyes widened slightly.

The first reason was because all traces of fatigue had vanished from Vera’s face as he responded. The second reason was that Vera, who rarely smiled unless he was in front of Renee, was now grinning without a frown.

‘He’s gotten a lot better.’

A sense of joy rose within Norn.

It was a sentiment which one could argue was only natural.

Norn had known Vera since he was fourteen, when he first stepped into the Holy Kingdom.

He had been so upset at seeing a child, not yet fully grown, constantly looking grim.

How he looked like he had gone through such hardships that others wouldn’t be able to overcome for the rest of their lives.

The fact that Vera could now smile so brightly felt like a miracle.

‘He’s now 25.’

It had taken quite a long time.

Just as this thought floated through Norn’s mind…

“Alright, let’s catch up on the backlog of reports.”

Vera, who had returned to his usual demeanor, spoke to Norn.

Norn blinked and then burst into a chuckle.

‘Ah, some things never change.’

It was just like Vera.

He could have relaxed for at least today, but he was eager to jump into reports, which was both reliable and laughable.

Norn suppressed his laugh and began to report.

“Firstly, there have been no incidents in Elia. The Holy Emperor has been taking care of things, so the others have been cautious.”

“Are you talking about those people?”

“The Holy Emperor seemed to be in a bad mood all along.”

“…That’s understandable.”

Going back to work after resting after all this time must’ve been tough.

It wasn’t like the other Apostles wouldn’t have felt it either.

Feeling absurd, Vera shook his head vehemently.

Then, he listened to the next report.

“What’s the situation outside?”

“There’s still no news. The cities with high populations are naturally maintaining the status quo, and the only rumors we hear from the explorers who come and go are about new vegetation they have discovered.”

“Have you investigated the vegetation? Could it be a clue to Alaysia…?”

“It was just common herbs and magical support. The Academy seemed to like it.”

Upon hearing this, Vera’s brows narrowed.

“This is problematic.”

“It’s an unavoidable situation. We’ll just have to consider that we have bought ourselves some time to be prepared.”

Norn was right.

There was no way to find Alaysia, who had deliberately hidden herself.

This was proven by the fact that she had remained undetected throughout history, and it was also proven by the current situation, where no trace of her could be found in the entire continent.

Sadly, all the continent could do in this situation was to work more closely together and utilize more resources to stop her.



Vera tapped the table with his index finger.

‘The situation itself is not bad.’

The continent was moving more proactively than expected.

While it was unfortunate that they were only united when facing a common enemy, that was not the important issue right now.

‘Alaysia is surely organizing an army.’

Though the memories from his past life were full of holes, unless the Renee of his past life was aiding Alaysia, then his memories after the Demon King’s proclamation were likely correct.

The four legions led by the Demon King.

Those legions consisted of magical beasts that had lost their sanity.

‘Only one of the commanders remained.’

It was unknown whether she would fill the remaining three spots, but their situation was not hopeless.

The united forces of the continent were not to be ignored, even against the Ancient Species.

Moreover, all the Ancient Species except Alaysia were hostile to her, so their help was certain.

The only concern now was finding a way to annihilate the immortal Alaysia.

‘All the pieces are gathered.’

The seven heroes, eight legacies, and the nine Apostles.

Though the legacies of Alaysia and Orgus remained, considering that they would all come together, it was as if it had already been gathered.

It was impossible to know how they would work, but Vera believed nonetheless.

The Renee from his past life must have intended this when she rewinded time.

There must be a reason for creating such a twisted situation.

‘Rewinding time…’

This would be the last time.

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