Chapter 19: His Ex

The woman in the white evening gown was visibly flustered, her heaving chest threatening to burst out of her dress. She was barely holding back her anger. It took all she had to stop herself from flinging her limited edition, exquisitely designed handbag at him.

"Wu Yin!" Someone beside her reached out to grasp her arm, and whispered into her ears. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

Wang Xuan remained composed, his expression indifferent, and he calmly regarded the group before him. His emotions were in check. The young woman in the white evening gown was Wu Yin. Seeing Wang Xuan's composed demeanor, she took a deep breath, attempting to suppress her anger.

"Since you’re no longer a couple, you should stop seeing each other from now on. This is a big world, and she’s not the only woman out there. You should go seek your own happiness instead. Give her some space!" Wu Yin said.

Shaking his head, Wang Xuan responded, "You're getting too caught up in the drama. It’s all in your head. You’ve always thought of me as the villain, so whatever I do is bad in your eyes. I'm just passing by. Someone invited me here for a meal."

Wu Yin's anger was reignited, her breathing grew heavier and her face reddened. This was not due to embarrassment; rather, she was a person with a fiery temper. No one had ever talked to her in such a manner before. The fact that the other person had verbalized even their assumptions... Is he implying that I have a mental problem?

Initially unaware of her beauty, Wang Xuan found her figure quite appealing after stealing a few more glances at her. The woman’s evening gown was straining with each labored breath. Objectively speaking, Wu Yin possessed a striking face and an alluring figure. Despite her annoying mouth, she was attractive.

Unable to bear it any longer, Wu Yin glared at Wang Xuan, "I've never seen a man like you. Your relationship ended a long time ago, so what's the point of you showing up here like this? I refuse to believe that a recent graduate like you can afford a meal in the Azure Peak Tower. You’re here because you knew that she would be here, aren’t you? Don’t be stupid!"

Wang Xuan had originally considered turning around and leaving the scene. But he was, after all, a young man fresh out of campus. His temper was still in check, but the smile had disappeared from his face.

"Your temper is quite fiery. This might be the sign of an underlying health issue. Perhaps you've been experiencing insomnia or anxiety lately? Despite being angry, your complexion has turned rather pale. This might be a possible case of anemia. Additionally, your emotional fluctuations are quite intense, suggesting an underlying unease. It appears that both your physical and mental well-being might be compromised. You might need some care and recuperation. Don't thank me, and don't be surprised; I happen to be someone well-versed in the practices of the Old Arts and adept at traditional healthcare. By the way, I smell blood on you. Have you been in a fight recently? Oh well, I guess it doesn’t matter. Goodbye!"

At this point, Wang Xuan quickly halted, realizing he might have gone too far with his medical analysis and might have unintentionally revealed something he shouldn't have. It seemed that this woman was about to explode in anger if he went on.

As expected, Wu Yin’s initial bewilderment gave way to anger. She had been facing those issues recently, but hearing it all laid out like that pushed her patience to the limit. She grabbed her limited-edition handbag and lunged towards Wang Xuan, her embarrassment fueled her fury even further, "You bastard!"

Zhou Ting was observing them silently from the side. Wang Xuan was not just remarkably skilled in the Old Arts, his tongue was sharp as well. He had managed to hit Wu Yin where it hurt the most, and made her lose her composure. He did not even break a sweat doing so. She quickly grabbed Wu Yin's arm, understanding the delicacy of the situation. She understood very well how her friend felt, for even she would lose her temper under such circumstances. But today was a special occasion, and causing a scene here would be highly inappropriate.

Wang Xuan vowed to himself that it was an unintentional slip. He had started by analyzing her symptoms and was merely offering his observations. He did not expect it to coincide with a certain condition.

"That’s enough. Just leave!" another woman chimed in. She felt that ushering this rather handsome man away sooner rather than later would be for the best. She wanted to prevent any further trouble. In truth, Wang Xuan had no intention of lingering here any longer. He turned and started walking away.

"Don't you dare!" Wu Yin protested, shaking off Zhou Ting's grasp. It was evident that she was a capable fighter with a solid foundation in the Old Arts. What was most notable, however, was the faint blue mist emanating from her snow-white arm – a sign of someone who had mastered the Transhuman Arts. In the current era, any young person who managed to master the Super Arts was from a prominent family.

Wang Xuan paused in his tracks and glanced at her, "Don't try anything with me. My instincts will kick in if I sense you're an enemy and pose a threat to my life. I won't hesitate to defend myself even if you’re a woman."

Naturally, he had no intention of engaging in a physical altercation here. He was simply trying to intimidate her into backing off. He cast a quick glance at Zhou Ting as he spoke, who pursed her lips at him. Damn you, Wang Xuan! He forced her to intervene and was even dragging her brother into the conversation.

Zhao Qinghan smiled and nodded. She then turned to Wang Xuan and offered him a smile, "Wang Xuan, maybe we'll have the opportunity to work together in the future. Here's my contact information."

Her smile was sweet as she personally walked over to hand him a business card. She smiled at Qin Cheng as well when she noticed him staring at her, and handed him a business card as well.

Qin Cheng was still lamenting the encounter long after Zhao Qinghan had left, "My goddess is so skilled at dealing with people. She is beautiful and thoughtful. What a rare beauty."

Wang Xuan's lips curled into a smile, "Just a business card and you're already in a daze. I should tell your girlfriend about this. The pain might wake you up from your delusions."

"No! Don’t do that!"

They entered the Eternal Realm restaurant, found a private room, and sat down. But Qin Cheng still could not let the topic go. "Setting aside everything else, regardless of appearance, I think Zhao Qinghan is a good person. Every time I see her, it feels like I’m meeting my first love. It’s exhilarating" Qin Cheng said.

Wang Xuan nodded, "That's inevitable. Have you ever thought about her background? When you were still a naive and ignorant child, she had already accompanied her parents to various important events."

Qin Cheng continued, "I believe that human nature is innate. She's the perfect example of beauty with a good heart."

Wang Xuan had to enlighten him a bit, saying, "You need to see beyond the surface. Her smiles and sweetness have become something that she could project at will. You must understand that she has received various forms of education since her childhood. She knows how to deal with people and how to react in social interactions. She can easily control her emotions. It's all part of her professionalism. If she wants to leave a certain impression on you, she'll make sure to convince you that's who she is."

Qin Cheng remained unconvinced, "Old Wang, are you exaggerating it. Why does she feel so pure whenever I see her? It feels like just seeing her smile is enough to heal me."

Wang Xuan rolled his eyes and retorted, "Look at you, you’re someone who hasn't seen much of the world. Her performance has to be at a professional level, okay? Different people will see a different side of her."

Wang Xuan wouldn't forget the time he saw Zhao Qinghan outside of campus. She had an authoritative aura around her as she reprimanded a well-known businessman as if he was a child. At that moment, Zhao Qinghan had a cold expression and was skillful with her words. One could say her mental age was way more advanced than her physical one. She was far from the goddess with a healing smile that Qin Cheng described.

"So you see, your goddess's education from academics to her way of speaking, social interactions, and various other skills, all played a part in your interaction with her. She's been through a lot. Compared to her, you’re just like a child!" he sighed after describing what he saw.

Qin Cheng exclaimed, "Oh my, Old Wang, to talk about Zhao Qinghan like that, you're not exactly a saint either. You don't sound like a good person!"

Wang Xuan's face turned dark, and he retorted, "I'm just trying to give you some friendly advice!"

"Alright, so are you suggesting I should be wary of her from now on?" Qin Cheng asked.

"Why should you? You're of no value to her," Wang Xuan replied indifferently.

"Ouch! That hurts! That’s it, our friendship ends today!" Qin Cheng feigned anger.

"I'm just helping you gain a proper understanding. Don't spend your days foolishly grinning at Zhao Qinghan. She can be youthful when she wants to be, cold when it's appropriate, pure or flirtatious when she needs to. Just have a bit of self-awareness," Wang Xuan concluded, then began to order dishes, signaling an end to the conversation.

However, there was a feeling of unease in the air. He looked up to find Qin Cheng signaling him urgently.

Wang Xuan turned his head, and was startled when he realized that Zhao Qinghan had appeared at the entrance of the private room.

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