Once she called him old, he transformed himself into a young handsome man that she would be drooling over if she had no will power.

"This is better, right?" he twirled around for her.

She was less interested in his handsomeness and more worried about what her circumstances in this world would be. "Just tell me what you have left out."

The deity smiled and said rapidly as if he was rapping or like the part in a commercial where you are warned about the side effects of a product , "In a world of mental strength you have zero, you own a destitute planet and your husband does not want you. Now here are the tools you will be using as a reaper, a magical gourd where souls can be kept, a rope that binds them to you as you deliver them to the afterlife, a soul cultivation method and an open line of communication with other reapers in different worlds. I urge you to be kind to that child. Thank you for your willingness to serve the immortal world, good luck and good bye." He vanished before she could make sense of half of the things he had just told her.This content belongs to novelhulk.com, if the content is missing please go to novelhulk.com website to read the full content

"I was conned and what child is he referring to?" was her last thought before she felt her body being pulled downwards and her mind weakened along with the pull.

When her senses returned, the first voice she heard was of a woman saying, "Scarlet Su, you are so good at playing the victim. Do you think that I have not seen your finger moving? How long are you going to keep pretending that you are heavily injured? Let me tell you, if you want you can stay in this med bed for two hundred years but the general will not be bothered to come and see you."

'So my name is Scarlet Su,' she thought. 'Who is the general she is talking about?'

As she was asking herself all this, the memories slowly came to her; she was Scarlet Su, the daughter of a poor baron. Four years ago she was working in a bar when the dark general, commander of the death thunder army and one of the greatest mecha warriors in their empire came in alone for a drink. She that had dreams of splendor and wealth used a strong drug from the black market to drug and sleep with him.

Because what she did was illegal and punishable by death, she went into hiding only to resurface a year later with the general's son. She went public on star net with claims that the general and she were lovers and had a child together that he had abandoned which created a scandal.

Riana was still by the med bed and for a moment when she looked into Scarlet's open eyes, she shivered with fear. She must have remembered however that Scarlet had no mental strength hence she could not harm her so she sneered and said, "You are finally done pretending."

Scarlet opened her mouth to respond and she felt an itch in her throat. She cleared her throat by coughing three times.

Then she looked at Riana and said, "If you disrespect me one more time, you will pay a heavy price for it." The cold aura around her did not diminish, it doubled in fact and even she could not explain the reason behind it.

"Get me a glass of water," she ordered Riana.

The maid hesitated and Scarlet could see the calculations in her eyes. She was probably angry and wondering why Scarlet was daring to order her around. The answer was simple; she was the new Scarlet, not the old one who allowed disrespect to fly around.

"Now." she said sternly.

The med bed had deactivated itself automatically when it detected that the user had regained consciousness so she stepped out of it. When her feet touched the floor, she looked down and realized that her feet were bare. There was no trace of any shoe or slipper in sight making her wonder if she should just roam around barefoot.

She also remembered her biggest secret back on earth, everyone assumed that she had no superpower but they were wrong. She had awakened a space power, however her space was ordinary. All it could do was store items and keep them in stasis.

Over the years, she had collected useless things in the zombie apocalypse which no one cared about like gold, jewelry, clothes, seeds, kitchen ware, vehicles, etc.

She was going to tell her fiancé about it after the marriage but he left her to die and she died with her secret.

"I wish I had my space with me, I collected hundreds of shoes back then." She said with a disappointed sigh. "That old deity really scammed me. As the female lead, shouldn't I have some sort of cheat?"

She felt herself becoming dizzy and she stumbled. She had to hold on to the med bed to steady herself, just as she was about to curse the old deity again, she realized that she was suddenly seeing her space.

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