lightsΝοvεl ƈοm Scarlet received the email on her way into the Blue forest with her two older brothers and her father. At her side was her soul pet Severus. Since it was a slow walk as the hunting and gathering team had come with them, she had time to read the email the moment her bracelet vibrated with a notification.

She was extremely happy to receive money and she checked the balance in her bank account eagerly.This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

She had ten million and two hundred star coins.

"I am rich." she thought and she laughed in her mind.

She went back to see what he had written in the email and she saw that just after he informed her about the money, he went to tell her to spend it wisely.

"What!!! she said loudly. "Does he think that I am a kid?"

Did he see a little child when he looked at her that she needed such a reminder? Why did he want to dictate how she spent the money? Did he think she was a squanderer?

The non existent relationship between Esong and Scarlet bred distrust, doubt and suspicion between the two of them. To her, everything he said was a form of rebuke or dissatisfaction and to him everything she did was an attempt to seek his attention.

Esong probably meant well when he cautioned Scarlet to spend the money wisely because of her greedy spendthrift nature which he was made aware of by the investigators who looked into her before he married her. But to Scarlet who was quick to judge, his intentions were to get a rise out of her.

She went to her star net account and changed her username once again.

'The mecha king really really sucks.'

[Great, rain more insults on your husband, are you proud of yourself?]

She replied. [Yes I am.] Then she continued reading other comments.

[Divorce him if you don't want him, many of us are ready and willing to marry him.]

[Will you be doing a live broadcast today?]

[I got a chicken but I don't have any oil. When are you going to set up your online shop?]

She thought about explaining to him that she was just channeling how people sometimes spoke in movies she had watched back on earth but she decided not to. He would probably have more questions for her.

"You are my dude." she replied. "My friend, my buddy."

"I told you that we are not on friendly terms. What we have is a mutual understanding." Severus responded and he grunted as if she was a joker.

Scarlet opened her mouth and she silently mouthed curses at Severus.

Her actions were seen by more than three people who were watching her. To these people, she was like a celebrity hanging out with the normal people.

"What is the governor doing?" a woman on the gathering team asked another walking next to her.

"I don't know, maybe she is singing."

"The governor can sing!" another woman jumped into the conversation without being invited in. "Wow, she is so talented."

"I guess her teacher taught her many things." another woman added.

"That old and was always humming like the governor. I knew that he could sing back then." A man said.

The blue star was a planet that lacked fun activities so gossip was the number one source of entertainment among the people. Within a few minutes, the rumor that governor Scarlet was a talented singer made it's way to Dorian's ears.

It was not just that she was a talented singer, a lot of spice had been added to the rumor and it was talented singer and composer who could come up with a song within a few seconds.

"Who is coming up with these fake stories?" Dorian asked Adler.

Adler shrugged because he had no idea. All he knew was that a lot of people were watching Scarlet's lips as she mouthed something none of them could hear.

With the way she occasionally pointed at her dog however, Adler doubted that she was singing. To him, it looked more like she was berating it.

"I smell something." Severus suddenly said. "Something strong." He paused and smirked, "Well strong by your standards, to me it's weak."

"Severus, not now." she said in a serious voice. If he wanted to shower himself with praises, he could do it later.

She stopped moving and raised her hand which was the signal they had all agreed to. When she raised her hand, they would all stop because it meant possible danger ahead.

"Everyone," Scarlet yelled "Arm yourselves but do not attack unless I say so."

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