I found myself floating in solitude within an endless void. Deep, dark, and empty, that described the space I was left in perfectly, aside from a single irregularity.

The irregularity was blinding. When my eyes adjusted, I saw a massive and fluctuating energy sphere.

Multiple arms of purpled-pink flame swirled around it and twisted like a vortex. If I had to describe it, it was as if I were staring directly into a pulsating violet star.

Though it was far, I reached out to touch it, but an outside voice penetrated my subconscious.


'The voice is familiar…whose is it again?' I tried to open my eyes, but they refused me.


My body was wobbling. 'Are they shaking me?'

"HEY, GET THE HELL UP!" A blunt pain flashed across my cheek.

I jerked myself awake at the stimulus. "What happened?"

"What are you doing?!" Takagi exclaimed. "Who blacks out in the middle of escaping? Are you an idiot?!"

'Blackout? Idiot? What happened to me again?' It occurred so suddenly that it took a moment to remember where I was. Though I was curious about many things, my focus was drawn to the aching in my cheek.

"Did you slap me awake?" I asked.

"Huh, oh no, I didn't…." He turned from me, smirking and darting his eyes suspiciously. "I, uh… I punched you."

I shook my aching head slightly before speaking. "...Why a punch?"

"A slap didn't seem like it'd work." He shrugged.

As much as I wanted to argue, he was right that his punch woke me up. Although it was for the low price of a fierce throbbing in my head. I could almost feel my brain popping out of my skull.

I made an attempt at soothing the pain by rubbing my forehead, but just the act of lifting my arm exhausted me to the point of queasiness.

Thankfully I had no bile left; otherwise, I likely would've vomited by now from the constant pounding in my head.

I placed my palm on the floor and pushed myself back up. Once I'd staggered to my feet, I asked, "h-how long was I out?"

"A few minutes. What's wrong with you?" Takagi asked. I couldn't tell if he was concerned or condescending to me.

I coughed violently, expelling a bit of saliva through each fit. The air and spit grated against my throat as it exited. It left a lasting pain even after I regained control over my breathing.

I appraised my skin to see that it had become deathly pale. The signs of anemia.

"I really need some proper bandages." I chuckled nervously.

"So, what, are you going to give up then?" he asked.

"No, this is nothing. I've suffered worse." I sighed with an insecure smirk.

"Playing tough, huh." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Alright, I'll play along. What's the plan then?"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

I glanced at Agawa. "Would you carry her for me? I don't think I'm capable of it anymore, but I can still fight well enough."

Half of what I'd said was a lie, and half wasn't. I could still barely support Agawa's weight, but I didn't want Takagi to endanger himself more than necessary.

However, the most important thing was their ability to leave me behind if I experienced another blackout.

He glared at me. "Fine, I'll play Agawa duty. Don't think I'll let a sickly, washed-up soldier do all the fighting, though!"

"That's harsh," I chuckled weakly. "Yeah, I'll appreciate your help."

"So, are we escaping like this?" Takagi questioned.

I wanted to. It was the right idea to. But I couldn't, not yet. My oath and my obsession prevented me from abandoning the others.

"We need to gather the others," I responded, "then we'll escape."

"And how exactly is that gonna work?" He impatiently fidgeted his legs.

I pulled up the map and beckoned Takagi to take a look. With him standing next to me, I pointed toward a string of rooms. They appeared identical in layout to the cells I woke up in, so chances were any living prisoners would be there.

As expected, the hallway proceeded past the cells to what I now call "harvesting" rooms. Beyond that was a service tunnel appearing to lead out of the manor. I had yet to learn where, but the mansion was the last place we wanted to be, so it didn't matter.

I looked up from the map to Takagi and said, "I'll rescue everyone I can. When we get to the harvesting wing, could you run ahead with Agawa? I'll meet up with you outside."

He looked at me with a face of irritation. "So, you're stupid…like him, after all," Takagi mumbled. He looked to the ground, consumed by deep thought, or at least as profound of thought as he was capable.

"Alright," he replied, "I'll go with you. There's no way you'll last two trips in and out of this place. Besides, it's kind of fun stomping on these guards!"

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"I already told you I'm going. Nothing you can do about it." Takagi sneered.

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ I sighed. "Alright, thanks."

He only flashed his usual razor teeth back at me in a fearsome smile.

Before we set off, I found some clean cloth in the kitchen to change my long-soiled bandages. When I removed the old ones, I winced at the sight…and the smell. The gash itself was purple, with coagulated blood encrusting the still-open wound.

Looks aside, the stench was an entirely different beast. It was putrid and foul like someone soaked grime-caked metal in a rotten carcass. I needed medical attention soon if I didn't want to risk amputation.

While dressing my wound, footsteps echoed from the mess hall toward me. Not wanting Takagi to see the state of my arms, I hastily finished tending to them.

"Are you ready yet?" He asked impatiently.

After clipping the end of the cloth and tightening it, I replied, "yeah, let's go."

And so, we left the mess hall and proceeded down the dark hallway.

Considering everything, I was grateful that Takagi was the one that I'd found. Although he had a sharp tongue and the problem-solving of a raging chimpanzee, he was reliable in the end.

Out of our group, I could think of no one more capable of watching my back in a fight. Turns out, I couldn't have been more right.

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