Heroes to Hunted

Chapter 27 Kamida's Pride.

The next hour was spent dodging between the traffic of frantic guards and searching for what remained of our group.

Eventually, we found them huddled within partitions of four, secured within moldy cells that weren't unlike the ones I'd found Agawa in.

Fortunately, there were no guards around, presumably because of the chaos that Takagi caused at the mess hall. Noticing our arrival, our countrymen released sincere gasps of joy, but we hushed them to keep quiet. I'd rather avoid a fight if I could help it.

One by one, we unlatched each cage, with my released countrymen forming a herd behind. As we went, I performed a mental headcount of each cell. By the time we'd reached the last one, I had realized that we'd been missing at least fifteen people, including the suspiciously friendly Kamida.

"Where do you think the Conman ran off to?" Takagi asked with an irritated growl. He looked around and grunted. "Maybe he's dead already." He said in a tone of indifference while picking at his ear.

"No, he's around here somewhere." I said while trying to remain optimistic and checking my map, "Probably engaging in a diplomatic ceasefire as we speak." I chuckled.

The captives now freed; our next order of business was to search for the service tunnel while looking for those missing. It was honestly a stroke of luck that the tunnel had been beyond the rest of the harvesting rooms.

Thinking of that luck, I felt a queasy feeling in my gut. It was the kind that told you to stop and reflect on what you were thinking. Complete and utter self-doubt. I was surprised I hadn't realized it sooner.

My route to escape felt...easy. Far too easy.

I had no choice, though. Despite feeling that, in my heart of hearts, I shouldn't trust something as suspicious as "good luck, " I had no choice. It was either take a risk in the tunnel for freedom or die here in chains.

I sighed and turned my attention to the harvesting wings. Before I could even think about leaving, I had to rescue those still alive. Wherever those few were, there was no doubt they'd be there.

We maintained a healthy jogging pace while we traveled. It took no time before my nostrils were invaded by the familiar stench of clotted blood. Peering inside the first room, I had my assumptions confirmed about the remaining prisoners.

We apprehended each harvester as we went, with some being more capable of fighting than others. I managed to knock out a few, but most were frenzied with an unnatural zeal. Sadly, that led me to add even more marks to my total kill count.

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ To my frustration and regret, some harvesters had already finished their tasks. They only left precisely what I'd seen when I was shackled.

The bodies of my countrymen were stripped down to the basest portions of their flesh and hung by blood-caked hooks. Their various sliced and bent appendages were tossed in a bin, and their blood was drained into another.

Though it was nearly impossible, I had to remain optimistic and appreciate that we managed to rescue some of the captives, at least. I had no more time to lament their loss as I'd done with Tachibana.

Finally, we reached the last room of the wing and our momentum slowed as we approached.

It'd been because the civilians weren't as accustomed to death as I was, so they became increasingly hopeless with our situation as time dragged on. They became pure liabilities, so I sent them ahead with Takagi and the map toward the service tunnel I'd marked for him earlier.

Once they'd left, I crept to the door to not startle any inhabitants who might be inside.

It was challenging to maintain such a slow approach. My leg muscles were spasming lightly from fatigue, and my awareness was corroded by delirium, which didn't exactly paint a picture of confidence in my sneaking abilities.

When I came to the entrance, I thanked myself for tolerating my discomfort and remaining patient. After I heard the conversation within, I smirked and readied myself to breach.

"You lucky bastard," I silently laughed.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

*** Kamida POV ***

Greetings! My name is Kamida Gin. I am thirty-three years of age, an accomplished financial consultant, and an absolute gentleman!

If I had to describe myself in a single word, I'd be charmed to say that I'm absolutely elegant. Throughout my life, I have always made it my pursuit to handle any situation, no matter how unpleasant, with absolute dignity and class.

Where am I, you ask? If I'm being honest, I'm not readily sure myself. Alarmingly, my hands were bound to some slick, metallic surface, and I had a sack on my head. How did I get into this situation? I haven't a clue.

Let me tell you what I do know, though. As a man with thirteen years of sales experience, I have never failed to manipul-...persuade another into a deal. Some struggled, but I'd always succeeded in the end. That said, I had no doubt I'd escape this undesirable situation. That...is a promise, a salesman's promise.

The sound of metal grinding against metal grated my ears, disrupting my thoughts. Soon after, some force ripped the bag from my head, temporarily blinding me from the torchlight above.

Blinking a few times, I opened my eyes, revealing a perturbing sight.

"Oh, you're awake!" She exclaimed while excitedly clacking two knives together.

Given her change in demeanor, I almost didn't recognize her.

Amongst the women who practically attacked me in the ballroom, she was one of the tamer individuals of the bunch. She didn't throw herself at me like the others; hers was an elegant distance of two meters. Her attitude wasn't obnoxious, either; she was more reserved and of the classy variety.

She had wholly captivated my respect!

That's right, she had been the one I'd admired most during the ball. Which is why her personality change was utterly concerning for me.

During the dance, she was the apex of dignity. Now, though? Now she stood before me as she disturbingly stroked a knife's blade and ogled me with lustful salivations.

Following my instincts, I slapped a bright smile on my face. "Hello, Miss! To start, I'd like to state that your new look is as beautiful as the dress you wore during the dance!" That was a lie, of course.

She wore an alluringly perfect black dress during the ball, emphasizing her body's exquisite curves.

Her silk-textured black hair seemed to endlessly flow down her back, glistening with light when she flourished. All of that flawlessly paired with two sky-blue eyes that sparkled brightly.

A far cry from then, she now donned a classless, red-stained brown apron, and her hair had been tied up in a reckless ponytail with a multitude of strands that jutted out in mutiny. The best way I could describe her now was "unkempt."

She brought her hands to her now flushed cheeks. "Oh, you're such a flirter!"

I felt an immense desire to bow, but, to my distaste, I was a little tied up at the moment.

Begrudgingly, I settled for words. "Well, of course, Miss, I just had to state the facts! Speaking of facts, could you do me the kindness of telling me what is happening here?" The time for information was ripe now that I had her buttered up.

There was no way this woman could resist my charms. None ever had.

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