Chapter 492: Chapter 492

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

How the fuck do you even go about having this kind of conversation? Her stunned expression was obvious, but how else do you break the news to your supposed daughter.

"I said- I said I'm probably your father, Lucia." She was quiet as she just kept her eyes locked on me. "It's not confirmed, but-"

Lucia cut me off as she stood suddenly. "You're my father!?"

My jaw went limp for a second at the accusatory tone. "I-Uh- Pr-Probably."

A few tears came to her eyes. "What does that mean!? 'Probably?'"

"There is a chance you might be one others, but I think that should be discussed when you've calmed down. Although, that being said, I feel confident that you're mine." I tried to explain.

"So, you just decided to keep it to yourself and watch over me without my knowing?" Lucia questioned.

"Well, I'd like to say I was rather forward in my attempts. Teaching you some self-defense in helping you strengthen your spells. Telling you to learn teleportation." I listed. "Giving you part of my sword should've been a bit of a giveaway. There were other times I said things I shouldn't've." She listened to my explanations quietly as she rested her head against my chest.

"Still... Expecting me to guess you possibly being my father is a bit of a stretch." Lucia shot back. "There was no record of you. Neither of the Priestesses wanted to talk about you, but I doubt they even knew, and that just makes it even more frustrating."

A sigh left my lips as I pulled away from her and motioned for her to sit down before I followed suit. She did as I wanted. Lucia sat across from me as she waited for me to gather my thoughts. There was a lot to tell after all.

"You should know that this isn't their fault. They also believed, truly believed, that you were their niece. For good reason." I began. "There is a lot to tell you, Lucia. I don't have all the answers you're looking for, but I'll answer every question you have to the best of my ability." Then I looked to the other side of the room, where I motioned Marina to let the others in. "Many have been waiting for an explanation on what's going on."

"Does this also include how you're a Demon?" Lucia inquired as the others filled the room.

"I'm not a Demon, Lucia. And neither are you if that's what you were worried about. My appearance, in my other form, is certainly intimidating." I confirmed. "But no. Don't worry about being part Demon. To be honest, Lucia, I don't exactly know what I am. That's neither here nor there." Another sigh left my lips as I looked at her. "I'll tell you what I know and answer any questions you may have once I finish. Okay?" She only nodded in response.

Ziah softly spoke up, which got all of us to turn to her. "Shouldn't we wait for Cass?" She asked shyly. "I hate to interrupt this moment, but don't you think she deserves to hear this as well."

Greigh immediately replied. "I'll catch her up to speed once she gets here."

I nodded. "Well, I suppose it would be best to start where Aydan wanted me to. When I became the Uncrowned King of Lestrania... Ugh, I hate that title."

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