Chapter 493: Chapter 493

Cassidy's Point of View

Reed Family Farmstead

Leaving the portal revealed my front door. It'd been a long few weeks, and with Arthur's return, everything felt longer. Sighing, I opened the door and entered my home. There was some bustling coming from inside the kitchen.

"Hello?" I heard a familiar voice call out.

"Rennal?" I called back.

Quick steps could be heard before the Elf suddenly appeared in the doorway. "Oh, thank the gods!" Rennal said in relief before she rushed into my arms. "With everything that happened..." She trailed off.

Holding her back, a content hum left my lips. "Ah'm home now."

"That's right!" She pushed away from me and started yelling up the stairs. "Austin! Austin!" Rennal called out. "Cassidy's home!"

I chuckled lightly as the scene made me think of what married life might be with Rennal. Obviously, Austin was still a child, so I'd need to consider more than just my wants. My little brother appeared on the top of the stairs with big tears in his eyes. Rushing down the stairs, Rennal backed away as he ran straight into me.

"Where were ya!?" He cried out.

"Cass!" Rennal let out in disbelief.

Holding up my hands, I gestured for her to quiet down. "Ah know how that seems, but ya weren't there."

Austin suddenly appeared in the doorway. "Yer not doin anything inappropriate, are ya?"

I rolled my eyes at that. "First of all, not yer business, Austin." I told him. "And second of all, why would ya even think of that?"

My brother quickly gestured to Rennal and I. "The way she said yer name. Ah thought maybe ya pinched her butt or somethin."

Rennal quickly blushed, and I grabbed a towel before throwing it at my brother. "Go wait outside!" I ordered.

He left the house with a mischievous little giggle. "Well, you have pinched my bottom before." Rennal said after a moment.

"Ya got a cute behind. What can I say?" I asked back with a shrug.

She rolled her eyes this time before playfully smacking my arm. Rennal smiled at me before she placed her forehead against mine. The Elf sighed as she seemed to think about what I had said. After a moment, she closed her eyes.

"Are we going to be okay?" Rennal inquired.

"Of course. Arthur will know what ta do." Giving her a light kiss on her nose got her to giggle as she opened her eyes and looked at me. "But first we need ta get all this grub over to his place."

Rennal let out a hum. "I can help with that." Her magic activated and everything started to levitate. "Shall we?" She asked.

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