She slept for only three hours before waking up in the middle of the night to start cultivating her soul. She accessed the underworld trading platform for help and instructions in what to do.

There were a variety of classes, videos, shops, pictures from other realms; it was like star net but for the underworld.

The first video she clicked was titled, "Are you a first time soul cultivator?"

lightsΝοvel "Yes," she answered and clicked on it.This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

A male reaper appeared like a teacher in a classroom and he started talking, "If you have clicked on this video then you must be a first time cultivator. You have not yet chosen which path to follow as a reaper, whether to be a guardian or a warrior.

The good thing is that you do not have to worry about that for a while because you need to be at level three to make that choice. You on the other hand are just starting out and what you need to do is collect and absorb energy from as many soul crystals as you can to move up a level.

Moving up a level will require hundreds of crystals so you should prepare to spend many nights hunting for runaway souls. The more dangerous a soul you capture, the higher the quality of crystals you get. This doesn't mean you should go around recklessly looking for dangerous souls because if you are weak, they will feed on your soul power and leave you drained like a corpse.

This is why all grim reapers keep a pet by their side and store part of their soul power within these pets. If you are drained, as long as you can get to your pet in time, you have a strong chance of surviving. Don't let all this scare you however; being a grim reaper is awesome. You will be strong, wealthy, good looking and you live forever so what's not to love?

Onto the business which has brought you here, the beginning stage of soul cultivation is infancy, your soul is basically an infant that needs to be fed and nourished. You should not only depend on soul crystals, things like purifying water, marrow cleansing pills and soul solidifying grass are very important to you. These items can be brought from different shops or traded for with other reapers."

Scarlet was soaking all this knowledge in like a student about to sit for their final examinations which decide their fate.

"Now, take your soul crystal in hand and follow my lead."

She took one crystal in hand, absorbed its power like the instructor was saying and started cultivating. As her soul absorbed the power, in her body she felt as if there was a vortex circulating a warm comfortable feeling all through.

She diverted some of the power to her mind, and suddenly she felt like a dry wilted leaf receiving a few drops of rain after a century long drought.

"Okay." He quickly hurried off after hearing that there was food to be eaten.

After taking a shower, she took some eggs, bacon and milk from her storage space and placed them in a basket before leaving the bedroom.

As she walked through the hallway, she bumped into her siblings who were either dressed for work in old fixed up mecha suits or dressed in the most common outfit in the empire.

Silver suit pants which were made out of material that looked and felt like leather but much tougher with a matching long sleeved shirt that had a collar.

This outfit was so popular that it had a variety of colors like white, black, red, yellow, green and blue. Scarlet thought only the black outfit was worth it.

Of course other clothes like dresses existed; most of them were light because the weather in the Sun star was mostly hot and sunny. In Scarlet's opinion, it was perfect farming weather.

The one thing most of the outfits in the empire had in common was metallic bits here and there. You mostly had metallic breast plates and metallic arms or legs. To some it was fashion and to others it was for protection.

She personally thought it was ridiculous.

Anyway, aside from her judgmental thoughts about their outfits, she was happy to see them greeting her so warmly.

She went to the kitchen and quickly prepared a breakfast of fried eggs, bacon and milk tea. Since the family was large, Fey offered to help and they worked together on preparing the breakfast.

"Good morning dad, good morning mum." She cheerfully greeted her parents.

"Good morning Scarlet," her father responded first. "You look lovely this morning."

"Thank you." She responded.

"Come and sit next to me." Her mother called her over eagerly.

Scarlet noticed that the general attitude of everyone had changed. Even Carolyn was warmer to her which made her happier. She could get them on board assist her in the developing of this planet easily now.

Maybe she could start with domesticating that duck like creature which woke her up against her wish and selling its eggs.

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