"Sister Scarlet what is this food?" Halley asked.

Halley was so adorable that she could not hold back from giving the little girl a smile. "It's called eggs, bacon and the white drink is called milk. We get eggs and bacon from animals that have not mutated into beasts or beasts that are not poisonous.

If we find some birds that lay eggs in the blue forest today, we will bring them back and raise them."

"So we can eat eggs every day." Halley said very excitedly.

"Yes." Scarlet responded.

She had put it out there that they were going to the blue forest today so that everyone would eat while fully aware of her plan.

"You can't go to the forest, it's dangerous." Dorian Su looked at Scarlet as if she had lost her mind.

"There is no risk without reward dad, you know this well and so does big brother Adler. Every day that we are here without protection or food we risk more. These low quality shakes are not doing anything for us. Moreover I own this planet, I have taxes to pay and I have citizens to take care of.

My teacher spent decades in the forest studying the plants and animals. He taught me which ones were edible and which ones were poisonous. He showed me how to domesticate animals and process their meat into food. He asked me to use these skills to help the poor in our society access better food at cheaper prices. We all know that low quality shakes are not healthy. Some of them are nothing more than toxic poison but the poor are too weak to complain. They are just glad to have anything to fill their stomachs.This content belongs to novelhulk.com, if the content is missing please go to novelhulk.com website to read the full content

The blue planet has been blessed by the deities and we should take advantage of it. We will turn this planet into the paradise of the Sun star."

She spoke with so much articulation and conviction that more than half of the people at the table were convinced. Halley even childishly applauded her.

"I still maintain my stand, the forest is dangerous." Dorian Su insisted.

"I agree with our father." Adler said.

"I second that." Beord also made his opinion known.

The inside of the mecha had five small metallic seats, wires and small buttons. Adler was sitting in the pilot's position and Beord was his co-pilot.

Scarlet felt dizzy as the mecha increased its speed, shaking their bodies' front and back as it sped off. "This thing needs some seat belts." She thought.

She looked at the rest of her siblings and noticed that they were perfectly unbothered by the movement of the mecha. Only she who was riding a mecha for the first time was uncomfortable.

Soon, they arrived at the edge of the forest and exited the mecha. Scarlet run outside and puked until her stomach felt empty. Alll the contents of what remained of her breakfast ended up on the parchment of purple grass in front of her.

"Are you okay, is it your sickness?" Carolyn approached her and asked. Her eyes held a little bit of worry which surprised her.

It seemed that she was growing on her elder sister.

"I am okay," she answered.

"Are you sure?" Adler too asked, "We can go back right now."

Thinking about taking another ride in that cramped mecha brought forth the urge to make her vomit again.

"I am sure," she assured Adler. "We should hurry and explore the outer area of the forest before it gets dark. With time, we will keep going deeper inside carefully."

lightsΝοvel They needed to find food, minerals, fruits and anything else that could help in the development of the blue star.

"Is this purple grass useful?" Beord asked.

His question made her realize that she actually had little knowledge about the flora and fauna of this world. Scarlet had not paid much attention in school. She needed to set aside time to catch up on her knowledge of all things interstellar.

"It's not what we need right now, let's keep looking." She replied.

If they kept picking up random things and asking her if they were useful, she would soon run of excuses.

While she was still thinking about what to do, her soul gourd rattled.

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