When the med bed opened, Dorian Su carried Scarlet out despite her insistence to be put down. "There is a lot to do dad, if you keep carrying me around time will be wasted."

"What is there to do, you should be resting not running around anymore."

Scarlet shook her head and adamantly refused to rest. "I have to do a live broadcast and you have to prepare a shelter for the ducks and chicken. We have to find out what kind of soil we brought back and someone needs to go to the bitter water lake and bring back some water so that I can see if we can produce our own salt.

Someone also has to prepare the chicken and duck feed; they can feed on the purslane, the purple weed at the edge of the forest. Since I cannot go back and personally pick it someone else should do it."

Dorian Su did not know what chickens or ducks were. However he recognized the purslane because she called it a purple weed.

"Dad, even if you carry me to my bedroom, I am just going to return outside. We need to make some progress before the cold season arrives and mutated beasts attack."

Dorian Su sighed and placed her down unwillingly however he still cautioned her. "Do not over work yourself, if you need anything ask your siblings. No, ask me, I don't have much to do anyway."

"In that case, you should assist brothers Adler and Beord in retrieving the space ship we found in the forest. When you return, you can help me construct a shed for the chicken and ducks."This content belongs to novelhulk.com, if the content is missing please go to novelhulk.com website to read the full content

"What space ship?" Dorian tuned his questioning eyes to his three oldest children.

Scarlet used that opportunity to slip away and go to her bedroom briefly. When she came outside, she was carrying a load of potatoes, some spices and a few jars. She also had packets of seeds like tomatoes, oranges, strawberries peanuts and corn.

She would experiment with these seeds first before trying other things like wheat and watermelons.

The sweet potatoes in her storage space were not many, rather than eat them, she planned to plant them and see if they could produce a bountiful yield.

If this first phase of planting was successful, she would commence on phase two of turning this planet into a farming world. She could vividly remember the beautiful scenes of peach blossoms, peonies and grasslands on earth before the zombie epidemic.

"Scarlet, do you need help?" her mother came waddling into the kitchen with her big stomach.

"No mother, you are heavily pregnant, you should be resting."

For those of you who are wondering how I can identify these items it's because when others were studing how to craft mechas, trap mutant beats and other preferred careers in the empire, I was drowning myself in books about the ancient world.

There is an ignored section in most school libraries with two or three books that cover knowledge from the ancient world. The ancient world is the one that existed before mutated beasts attacked, destroyed everything and drove our species almost to extinction.

I am getting distracted, back to my business here, I am teaching you how to make pickled vegetables. When making them, one can use vinegar or blanched salt. I am still trying to figure out how to make vinegar but for now, we are going to use blanched salt.

Combine the ingredients for pickling liquid in a pan, heat them over a pan until it comes to a boil, then simmer for two minutes."

Carefully she explained every step until she finally put the vegetables into glass jars and poured the pickling liquid over them.

"You can store these in your cold storage for a long time. I will be picking twenty lucky winners who will receive a glass of my pickled vegetables."

Gifts started flying across her screen endlessly as soon as she mentioned a giveaway.

"Now the fried chicken is quite easy to prepare, simply wash it marinate it in spices like garlic, onions, salt and pepper or boil it in these ingredients for fifteen minutes and then drop the chicken carefully in hot oil. You will know that it's ready when it looks golden brown just like this."

"And last for today, are mashed potatoes. You already know what potatoes are so we will dive right in. Peel your potatoes and place them in water, add some salt and a little bit of garlic. As our potatoes boil, I will show you what a live chicken looks like."

Elroy handed her a chicken from the pad and she showed it to her viewers.

lightsnοvεl [Is that a mutated beast?]

[Are you daring to eat mutated beats, how savage?]

"There is a difference among mutated beasts, some just mutate in color or shape without going wild and blood thirsty. This chicken is docile and it can be domesticated. Its eggs are tasty and so is it's meat. I can prove it to you right now."

She took a bite of the deep fried chicken and all of her viewers tasted it. Scarlet closed her eyes and chewed with relish that her mother gulped and swallowed saliva.

[I want that mutated beast.]

[Where are the beast hunters, come out and hunt for me a chicken.]

[Chicken hunters for hire, I am offering one thousand coins per chicken. ]

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