Scarlet who was broadcasting to make money for survival had no idea how much her live broadcast would soon impact many things in the empire. For starters every mutant beast hunting guild was suddenly receiving orders to hunt for chickens.

"What the hell is a chicken?" master Shadow of the Shadow mutant beast hunting guild asked his subordinate.

There on the large screen in their main office where orders whose payment had been delivered first were placed on the urgent list chicken was quickly moving to the number one position in the queue.

"It looks like this master Shadow, it's a bird." He was showed a picture that had been saved from the live broadcast.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm He was one of the the viewers of Scarlet's broadcast. He started out as an anti fan but the taste of her food and her straightforwardness was quickly capturing his heart. This was not the same woman who spent all of her time online detailing al the ways in which General Esong Wu was the empire's most handsome man and possessively threatening female mecha warriors to stay away from him.

"What does it do? What are its special powers?" Mutated beasts had different types of strengths. Some could fly, some could breathe fire and some had the strength of ten men added together. What was so special about this bird that it was suddenly on demand?This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

"It's sweet." His subordinate deadpanned. He could not wait to find a chicken and try it out personally. If the taste was as delicious as the taste of what she prepared, he would eat nothing else in his life but chicken. He would be re-baptized as the empire's greatest chicken hunter.

Master shadow thought his subordinate who also doubled as his assistant was playing a joke on him.

"Ruko, get the hell out of my office."

After dismissing his assistant, master Shadow went on star net and searched for 'chicken'

In the royal palace, all the princes and princes were sending their hunting teams out to look for chicken and so were other nobles.

Meanwhile, Scarlet was still explaining what a chicken was to her audience. "This is the only chicken I know of so far whose flesh can be eaten so please do not eat any random beast that looks like a chicken. Like I said, mutations have varieties so be very careful.

Apart from a chicken, duck meat and eggs can also be eaten; this is the duck I am talking about."

Elroy handed her the duck and she showed it to the audience. "Next time, I will teach you one way of preparing duck meat."

[These are lies; you will die if you eat mutant beasts.]

"It's for the silver wolf, the fan that sent me twenty five thousand coins. I don't know who it is but they deserve this little food. I have to entice this rich fan and tie him or her to my broadcast. Imagine the things twenty five thousand coins can do for us?"

For a family which was now broke, this money could do so much.

"Mother make a list of the things we lack, basic needs first. We can start purchasing a few online immediately. By the way, why is the tin of powdered orange juice half empty?"

Her mother shook her head and came over to peep into the tin because she had not even seen what the powdered juice looked like.

"It was Riana and Gia, I saw them sneaking around in the kitchen early in the morning and they hurried away with something."  Fey whispered.

Scarlet clenched her fist and fury filled her eyes, these lazy disobedient maids dared to steal from her. "I am going to fire those wretches today."

"You are firing them!" her mother was shocked.

"Yes, they don't listen to me, they disrespect us and they have failed to take care of Justin which was their one simple job. It's time to give them the boot, we are not allowed to leave the blue star but they are different, they can leave at any time."

"I guess you are right about them, I support you." Her mother answered.

"I don't like Riana she pinches me." Justin complained.

"What! Show me where she pinched you right now."

Mega and Scarlet almost undressed Justin completely to check his body for injuries and on his back and buttocks were red marks. Some of the marks looked so fresh.

"When did she do this to you?" Scarlet roared.

"When you went out to the blue forest, she said that I am an unloved boy who deserves pain. She does it everyday." he whispered.

"I am going to kill that bitch!!!" Scarlet roared.

Mega was alarmed to see her daughter so furious and for a minute she thought Scarlet's rage had returned. But looking into her eyes, she saw that they were clear.

Adler, Declan, Beord and Carolyn returned to the house, following the smell of the fried chicken but when they arrived, Scarlet's furious roar was what welcomed them.

"What happened?" Adler asked.

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