The fear that Scarlet's rage was a reversion back to her old ways was mutually felt by her mother, brother and siblings. For the first time in so many years their family was beginning to feel the mending of a crack which had been created by Scarlet. The smiles had returned to their faces but had they accepted her change too quickly?

"What is going on?" Dorian repeated the question Adler had paused but remained unanswered.

"Scarlet's maids have been abusing Justin." Mega told her husband with fury equal to that of Scarlet's on her face.

She lifted Justin's shirt and showed them the red marks on his back. "Do you know how hard one has to pinch the skin to create lasting marks like this?"

"They are not my maids." Scarlet retorted. She then turned her gaze to Adler and said, "Big brother, help me." Her eyes were looking into his pitifully as if the maids had not only bullied Justin but also bullied her.

"What do you need?" Adler asked her readily.

"Find those little bitches and drag them here by the hair, I am going to deal with them personally."

Adler vigorously took off as fast as he could as if he was running a race and Beord raced after him. Knowing Adler, he was going to do exactly as Scarlet said, drag the maids back by their hair. Someone had to make sure that their heads were left intact.

Dorian Su placed down the two pods in his hands and carried Justin, taking care not to injure his back. "I am going to take him to the med bed. How did we all miss this?"

"Justin insists on bathing and dressing himself that's why we all missed it." Carolyn answered their father. "We should get the patrol officers involved."This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

"This is not a patrol issue; it's a Regional Galactic Bureau [RGB] issue. Children are precious in the empire, and Justin is the son of the mecha king. He is a general's son; they need to receive the maximum penalty for child abuse." Mega shouted furiously.

What she wanted to say was that Justin had royal blood and he was not just any other common child. His abuse should be a big deal; moreover these two servants had been given to them by the royal family. They should be made aware that their trashy servants were trash indeed.

"Just a few reminders." Scarlet answered. "I think I should start reminding him often that he has a son. I have not been a very good mother."

As Mega, Carolyn, Fey and Elroy were pondering over what Scarlet meant by saying that she would remind General Esong often that he had a child, they wondered if she was going to be bothering him all the time like she previously did.

Mega shook her head as if she was waking up from a dream and she said, "I have sent a report to the RGB, they are sending two officers to pick up the maids."

That's when Adler returned like an angel of vengeance in the sky falling down to earth with two captives in his hand. Just as Scarlet had request, he had a tight grip on the hair of both maids. He was pulling it so hard that she could see how much his grip was straining their scalps.

She would have thought that they would be screaming from all the pain but their eyes were lifeless and they were bleeding from their nostrils.

"Adler release them before you kill them." Beord roared shouted as he landed next to Adler. He too fell from the sky.

Scarlet thought that Beord meant the hair so she said, "Why should he release them, they should feel the pain my baby felt. Pulling their hair a little bit will not kill them."

"I am not talking about the hair." Beord answered. "He is controlling their minds with his mental strength. The pressure he is applying is too much that's why they are bleeding from the nose."

"Adler!!!" Mega called sternly.

Scarlet was still confused about what was going on, it's not as if Adler was killing them. Was the power of his mental strength so scary? She wanted to observe some more for a few seconds but Adler released the maids suddenly and he tossed them onto the ground.

The two maids held their heads and started screaming in a panic as they backed away from Adler as if he was a demon. However, as they crawled towards Scarlet, she released her soul binding rope and whipped them each once.

She had read somewhere on the forum that a lashing from that rope would cause spiritual pain to the one who was lashed until they repented and changed their evil ways.

However it was not recommended for grim reapers whose soul power was still in the infant stage to use it because it drained a lot of energy.

Backlash from all the energy she had just expended caused her to suddenly cough up blood.

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