The moment the members of the Su family saw the red drops of blood hitting the brown soil, all thoughts of the maids were abandoned.

"Scarlet," Mega screamed in alarm, "Med bed... med bed." She repeated only two words but Beord and Adler could understand what she meant.

She wanted them to carry Scarlet to a med bed immediately and Adler beat Beord to the race.This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

"What's happening?" Carolyn asked.

There was total chaos and confusion as different hands tried to reach for Scarlet who was struggling against Adler's hold.

"Put me down." She insisted.

"You are injured." Adler responded.

"The med bed can't help me." Scarlet retorted. "I know what's wrong with my body, don't you all think that if a med bed could cure me I would be healed already. I was inside of it just an hour ago."

Her argument against being placed in the med bed again was valid and none of them could counter it.

Scarlet shook her head, wondering why the med bed was always the first go to when the slightest injury occurred. The rate at which she was using one was alarming.

"What can we do?" Mega held tightly onto Scarlet's hands as she asked this question.

"Nothing, but I will be fine by tomorrow." Scarlet responded. "We have to deal with them first, if they escape and hide how will we find them on this big planet?"

She cared more about getting justice for Justin than anything else. Justin had to know that nobody would cause him harm and get away with it. He had to understand that he was a loveable boy who had a mother that would battle demons for him.

He probably didn't tell anyone about the abuse because his mother never cared, his uncles and aunts were trying to help the family survive and he barely knew his father.

It was amazing that the little boy still had so much love for her in his heart that he readily accepted her.

The two maids were crying and beating the area over their hearts with their fists. They were in pain and they had no idea why.

"The RGB is here." Mega announced.

"What is this, a fan meeting?" the other female officer questioned Mina sternly. "We are here on official business."

"Sorry." Mina apologized with an embarrassed look on her face because her behavior was indeed unprofessional.

Dorian Su showed up with Justin in his arms and Mina whisked him away for a private conversation which lasted for ten minutes before returning him back.

"I think we have everything we need here." Mina announced.

"I still think they did something to the maids, look at their conditions and she had blood on her weird clothing." The female officer who had been suspicious and unfriendly right from the get go persisted.

She was acting high and mighty, looking at the family with contempt in her eyes as if she was somehow better than them.

"Rona, we are done here." The male officer said to her.

Mega Su was unwilling to allow the officers leave with such an ugly presumption. The story could easily turn into the Su family abused the maids instead of the maids abused her grandson.

"Officers, my daughter Scarlet has been sick since childhood. The blood you see on her clothes was spat out from her mouth a few minutes ago. You can see how pale she is right now. Her condition is unrelated to the maids."

"Is mummy sick again?" Justin asked.

Scarlet shook her head and said, "No baby, mummy is just releasing some toxins." She did not need Justin worrying about her condition.

The female officer whose name was Rona stepped away and distanced herself from Scarlet.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier that she is sick? Is it contagious?" She looked very disgusted.

"We would all be sick if it was contagious." Adler responded with anger in his voice. "You have what you need, you should all leave." He looked at his siblings and the rest of the family and he said, "We should head back inside, there is a lot to do."

lightsnοvεl There was a fluttering in the sky and they all looked up, "The delivery drones have arrived." Fey announced in her small voice.

Adler looked at the officers and he said, "Like I said, we have things to do."

The case had been reported and she had personally punished the culprits so there was nothing left to do.

"Wait, I need your contact just in case I have to follow up." Mina quickly explained.

Mina and Scarlet exchanged contacts and the officers left with the maids who were in handcuffs.

When the RGB spaceship left and the delivery drones left, Scarlet told her family, "It's time to start farming."

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